"There's the Taiwan Relations Act, there's a set of understandings that have been in place for quite some time, and we have made sure to fulfill those commitments," Pompeo said, further citing weapons sales and the US military's maintenance of freedom of navigation around Taiwan as examples.
"We recognize that this is a point of conflict with the Chinese Communist Party. We don't want that. We want peace. But we are going to make sure we live up to all the obligations we have to Taiwan," he added.
Asked if the US is prepared to respond if China attacks Taiwan, Pompeo said that the US is doing everything it can to reduce tensions in the region, but also recognizes that "appeasement is not the answer."
果然是 2.0
而且他說的是"我們承諾要讓台灣有自我防衛的能力", 講的就是他們的承諾是在真的打起來的時候台灣軍隊可以抵抗而已
反正支持者一定會說"哎呀 這是政治上的說法,不能說死嘛 要體諒他們啊"
我還比較期待川普如何洗共和黨內部美國割稻尾的功力肯定不如北極熊北極熊根本就割到不要臉,他的小老弟只會青出於藍北極熊老大是強盜的話,西朝鮮小弟更接近毛賊(瓦房店化的結果)"There's the Taiwan Relations Act, there's a set of understandings that have been in place for quite some time, and we have made sure to fulfill those commitments," Pompeo said, further citing weapons sales and the US military's maintenance of freedom of navigation around Taiwan as examples.
Tulsi可以請回Kayleigh McEnany當發言人,美國史上最美白宮陣容現在共和党會反非法移民, 主因就是1986年的雷根大赦結果大失敗. 大吃屎還那麼天真就真的蠢了
(4)川普看似粗暴兇狠,是和一般政治人物相比。但是其實他的型態也只是有點紳士又有點野蠻的過渡型的人物。和真正的戰爭總統還有一段差距。萬一他選上了,未來的歷史還是會把他寫成張伯倫型的人物。美國式留島不留人美國要走之前會順便把F16V跟台積電都一起炸一炸阿華-養老電信 : 我在川普當年當選前,說不定馬芙丸還沒下台,也就是四年以上多之前的猜測。是美國撤僑前,會準備二十萬本護照,讓台積電員工可以舉家搬到美國。
當然實際上到時做不做得到是一回事, 但要弄GG也不會想要連人一塊帶走