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related to previous plurk but some weird gender navelgazing related to quarantine times
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I read an article by a nb author that I vibed with a lot
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that was basically about like...
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so I've become a lot more bold with my presentation as an enby in the last year or two
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and part of that was actually possible because of quarantine
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like, I live alone, I can wear whatever I fuckin want
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but at the same time
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when i live alone and present more femme just for myself, it somehow feels less like
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like part of gender expression is a reaction to a social contract
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men dress like X, so I reject masculinity by dressing like Y
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but if nobody sees it, then does it matter
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my rejection of the social contract is weakened not by pushback but by the social part of society crumbling
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tldr god I can't wait until covid times are fucking over
dracozolt ⚡
that's a fucking mood
dracozolt ⚡
and i genuinely hope that when things start falling apart you can start presenting more femme in public to stick it to the man. i believe in you
if a tree genders in a forest and nobody's around to hear it, does it make a sound