→ yard sard
[a child] my sister's giant monster baby just turned 2 and i think he looks about ready to start high school
→ yard sard
he also still hasn't said a word. lol
→ yard sard
welcome to the gun show!
→ yard sard
they just got him essentially a Powerwheels car (pretty sure meant got older kids) so I guess he literally is driving now
→ yard sard
https://images.plurk.com/67FDIw8p4R5eEvXcQ8lmTp.jpg https://images.plurk.com/29d7b76rgLUwwD938D0Bl5.jpg
yep, that's about high school age right?
→ yard sard
lmao at this point, since I have nothing else to compare to, I'll see videos of toddlers talking and it startles me
→ yard sard
فك يو
lmao i think i've said this before, but if i was shown these pictures out of context i'd be guessing he was four? maybe five?
فك يو
not barely two
→ yard sard
he turned two like two days ago
......wow that child does NOT look two
→ yard sard
and like lmao I wish I could easily post video on here because he'll do something like try to rip something apart, and the muscles in his arms and shoulders are crazy
꓅ꑛꍟ ꆂꅐ ꒒ꋫꁕꐟ✨
That is a gigantic 2 year old. Reminds me of me at that age. LOL!
purkle archer
some kids just don't talk until they are closer to 3ish
→ yard sard
people who are used to normal children must be so confused when they encounter this monster and try to talk to him
→ yard sard
yeah he's only just now starting to show signs of being interested in communicating or mimicking sounds at all
→ yard sard
he's too busy learning how to build rockets or something to bother with things like words
→ yard sard
--oh and I should probably specify the me calling him weird thing is because of his size and the fact that he has a bizarre, brilliant brain, not because he's nonverbal
→ yard sard
it's just like... I'll see what looks to my now poorly-calibrated mind like a tiny infant... and they'll start talking, and my visceral reaction is "WITCHCRAFT!!"
from what I see it seems like the super tall/physically mature kids usually start talking later but catch up just fine?
I've heard it explained as they don't have the same need to talk because there's so much stuff they can just... do themselves lol
wow, he's huge! what a good-looking kid
https://images.plurk.com/5dz59qeVfdp2ypISaQcCfQ.jpg my niece is two and a half and he looks about a foot taller lmao
→ yard sard
Sue : LMFAO I would believe that because he honestly just can... do things
→ yard sard
wooper : wooper : that's what a two and a half year old is supposed to look like??
Rowan is a year and a half and doesn't talk yet, and ppl are worried. idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
he looks... closer to two than he did to one, if that makes sense. but long!child is looooong.
→ yard sard
yeah it's like his limbs are from some other much older child
→ yard sard
I should ask her what age clothing he has to wear now
→ yard sard
I know this powerwheels type car thing cannot be meant for two year olds lmao
Yep, my son didn’t fuss much with words because he was so hands on everything that he’d just do it himself. Unlike his dad at that age who learned to talk because he was too lazy to go after what he wanted XD
What a sweet lil guy tho
→ yard sard
→ yard sard
i mean this boy obviously lifts right???