Mad Larkin
Fluff generator
Mad Larkin
Premise: Fives and Rawne go grocery shopping together for the first time. Rawne excitedly fills the cart with various snacks and Fives wonders how to break it to them that they can't afford all this.

Bonus: College AU
Mad Larkin
two broke roommates, and Rawne gets entranced by the jerkey
Mad Larkin
Premise: A puppy follows Norton home, and Norton can't bear to part with it. Norton brings the puppy inside and tries to hide it from Rawne.
Bonus: 1990's AU
Mad Larkin
Rawne would like a dog as a pet, even if he'd never admit it
norton had a dog once in canon. (although i headcanon that it was probably his boyfriend who was the responsible dog owner. norton would play and cuddle with the dog but could not be counted on for reliable walks and such.)
Mad Larkin
Rawne's more the opposite, he'd walk it and clean up after it reliably, but he'd be very awkward about cuddles