Zigzag Stampede
[CW: Illegal Drugs] Now, I can't be sure but...
Zigzag Stampede
I'm pretty sure a drug deal just happened right outside my house. Sooooo that's fun.
Zigzag Stampede
Got up, walked to the kitchen. Got the cat's food. Came back to give it to her and there is a guy screaming his head off next to a car. A guy who is what I'd describe as typical movie stereotype angry drug user complete with a black "wife beater" tank top
Zigzag Stampede
The guy in the car doesn't apparently give a shit.
Zigzag Stampede
Black tank top angry man then sits on the car screaming about how he's not getting more money and neither of them are now leaving
Zigzag Stampede
Before I even had time to finish the thought of: hmmmmm I wonder if I should call the cops the guy jumped off again and walked off towards the shops/McDonald's screaming more about money and using the word cunt a lot while flipping the car the bird.
Zigzag Stampede
Car doesn't leave. I start giving our cat her meds and about 5 minutes later: more screaming. This time about how he's got this guy his money then angry dude gets INTO the back of this person's car. I can't see what happened due to a bush, but then there was a bit more screaming that I couldn't make out, angry guy then got out of the car again and storms off
Zigzag Stampede
Now the car calmly drives away
Zigzag Stampede
So, that was exciting. I guess???
Zigzag Stampede
I don't really care if people choose to use drugs so long as they're not hurting anyone else. I think certain drugs are STUPID to take because they're just so toxic, but at least don't be loud at 8:30am on a public holiday?
Well. That's erm... A morning.
Zigzag Stampede
It is!
Zigzag Stampede
And I should return to medicating my cat. I've managed to trick her into taking one pill and now to try the other
Good luck
Zigzag Stampede
So she can have good drugs and the crazy human man can have bad ones. The man is happy, but in the end the loser. Cat is unhappy but in the end a winner. In terms of health
Zigzag Stampede
See Berna, you see how crazy this man is for his "meds"? Why can't you be the same for yours?