I’m thinking that when they get back to the rig Merton is going to suggest a Movie Night over the network.
It’s something I eventually wanted him to do anyway. But after all this, like, movies are his go-to comfort food of choice.
Kind of like Josh. And to that end, I think he would also suggest watching some of the sitcoms Josh liked (like ‘The Office’. No black and white stuff, I think they all had enough of that), if they can get their hands on them.
Kind of like, in memoriam or out of respect, depending on how this shakes out.
I can see him making that a bi-weekly or monthly thing, though. If he can get away with it. There’s a lot of movies in this place he hasn’t seen since they don’t exist yet in his world. So he’d be asking for suggestions and what kind of themed movie nights other people might want to participate in.
He doesn’t even know the Lord of the Rings movies are a thing yet. If someone tells him about that, he’ll assume they mean the Rankin Bass animated ones and flip out when he hears they're live-action.
Tad Cooper
They should only have access to terrible movies like Mannequin
God, he's probably seen that one. He'd be all over doing 'terrible movie night' though. Bad movies can be fun.
Not as fun as seeing actual good movies but at least you can poke fun at them
MST3K with the Piper90 crew
man Cammie will call/consider most movies from present day or earlier like, old school/old people movies because she's from the 2070s lmao
Tad Cooper
Catra has a hideout with a bong that they could use, for those that would imbibe
They could have Cry and Cuddle + bong + bad 'old people' movies.
Merton: -mutters- Everyone my own age making me feel old.
gotta find Some way to relax after coming back from a mission freshly traumatised
cammie's usual comfort of choice is video games but she doesn't have that here she'll be super down for movie nights
They do have a game room/arcade, everything in it is just supper archaic. Except to Merton who's like 'this is slightly better than what we have back home'.
Tad Cooper
Every 6th VHS should be marked with some almost not terrible comedy like Police Academy but instead it’s like. An Affair to Remember
Stacia, grinning: I was born in the year 2000.
...y'know i totally forgot that room existed. cammie's used to like, super immersive VR, tho, which is a whole special level of 'dive into a video game to forget about your problems'. she just becomes a little anthro rabbit that stabs stuff with a big sword for a while lmao
Tad Cooper
Robbie: Yeah but my last birthday was in, what, 3008?
Tad Cooper I really like that extra layer of terrible, not gonna lie. He'd be so disappointed.
liesdontfindyou oof! yeah going from that to arcade cabinets would be rough.
kaylin Merton: Born in 2000 and going on 17 for the second year running.
Tad Cooper
Roach : Robbie too. Like almost something watchable but instead it’s overwrought crap.
He would definitly be convinced they did it on purpose. Just to dig the knife in a little deeper.
Roach : Stacia: Yep!