I dreamed I scored my celebrity crush. And then I woke up and went to Best Western. Ugh.

There was the tense "Look, it's probably inappropriate of me to say so, but I've had a thing for you since I saw you" moment and everything and just. Goddamn it why was it a dream. ><

Oh well, at least it was a happy dream. There was domestic bliss involved. It was great.

But how boring am I that it didn't even include banging. Ah well.

the best/worst kind of deam...

My celebrity crush isn't your typical one, anyway. I mean, most people would get like... Chris Evans or someone like that. I'm sitting over here in the Raphael Sbarge camp.

nothing wrong with that!

you like who you like

Can't help it. He's just. He has a je ne sais quoi and I am.... Yep.