Cute Quinn
in the original 1962 godzilla vs king kong, the battle is orchestrated by a failing TV station to boost ratings
Niamh Vibes
King Kong to get live on the air and scream "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore"
Cute Quinn
they do pro wrestling moves on each other
Cute Quinn
kong gets struck by lightning and goes super saiyan
there's actually another layer to that top part
it's specifically a pharmaceutical company who advertises for shows not doing well enough, and a marketing gimmick

it's a whole other layer of "capitalism bad" that's darkly hilarious
Cute Quinn
it sounds like an incredibly cynical movie
It's actually a lot of fun, but like the 1954 version it's absolutely a case of, "definitely watch the Japanese version first."
but yeah there is definitely a bit of a cynical commentary woven into it