It's Just Deca
my interest has rekindled a lil but I'm not back yet- what's happened in the past????? like 6 months
It's Just Deca
other than the EW announcement
It's Just Deca
i got friends at work I've been talking with about FF14 and I'm like. i miss it
It's Just Deca
i gotta cancel my WoW sub first tho
did you do the last patch?
It's Just Deca
i didn't!
uhhhh eden finished, a midboss messed some things up in the plot. 5.5 is in like two weeks that'll lead into EW
It's Just Deca
I'm ok with spoilers btw
It's Just Deca
ascian using asahi's body is hanging out with zenos and apparently wants to set the world on fire genuinely just to watch it burn
It's Just Deca
that's fair and also in character for asahi anyway lolol
(Eat the candy)
fandaniel called asahi a simp and stole his bank account <-- still the best description of that plotline
(Eat the candy)
i havent done latest patch either yet, i know theres stuff there though..... but fandaniel is really fucking funny
It's Just Deca
he's not wrong
It's Just Deca
he IS a simp
It's Just Deca
i want to have more nier raid
It's Just Deca
where is more nier raid
Morenier raid on april 13
We cued tempering I guess
That happened
The big twist food eden raid is more ascians
It's Just Deca
lololol god
oh yeah i forgot about curing tempering because the entire plot surrounding that pissed me off really badly and i didnt want to be negative
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
I can understand that!
It's Just Deca
tbh I am not entirely............. invested in the story, but I am also trying to get better about that
It's Just Deca
bcuz a lot of that was the bad feels, i think, but it is hard to pry those things apart lol
It's Just Deca
Mostly I just wanna get back in there and see my boys
I also am trying not to be negative about the cured tempering. Like we've been working up to it butBITES TONGUE anyway there's spooky ziggaurats our however that's spelled
Ill just say 3.4 isn't great. It has really good moments though. And fandango chews so much scenery there's a wonder any of it is left, which is a highlight imo
It's Just Deca
fandango knlasvfd
It's Just Deca
that's ok
It's Just Deca
I'm here for my WoL in tiny panties lbr
It's Just Deca
Mostly I'm sitting here in WoW like "I got to level 60 now i dont know what to do and i'm bored"
If you did any bozja before the continued story and new 24 man is fun. Has great music.
It's Just Deca
i have not!
It's Just Deca
idk what it is actually
eureka but trench warfare
It's Just Deca
And also not soul crushing. I acutely found bozja pretty fun. Ugly zone, but enjoyable
music fuckin slams
Ymmv though idk
A lot more story, connected to garlemald and ivalice and gunbreaker questline
The boss music for the final fight in the new 24 man, clenches fist
theres a roe lady who goes back in time and like makes another roe lady become her stand
It is very lesbians all around
i didnt do the sssecond? idr part of it because i wasnt at the max level when it came around (different level system, like eureka) and didnt want to go grind so that i would be able to do it while it had a pulse (also i didnt like what my relic turned into)
It's Just Deca
lol legit
It's Just Deca
i need to check it out and also............ see who i can rope into playing with me
It's Just Deca
i gotta fkin go change my home world
You only need to be rank 10 for all the story
Max is for savage
But yeah there's a weekly quest for the 24 man so people do it still and the rewards for the 48 man from last step are greatly increased so idk maybe people are still at it
And 5.4 does have a few hours of story and be dungeon. It'll probably all keep you occupied until the 13th
you can rope in me!
It's Just Deca