7. 7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? With writing in general, idk if this is an 'element' but as part of the process it's always the getting started or figuring out 'an idea' that is the hardest for me. as for like the hardest part of a tag...
dialogue, for sure. I'm always deleting and rewriting things and mouthing them to myself like a weirdo in public trying to figure out if this is something that sounds both ic and like something a real person would say lmao
the descriptions and emotions are easy, and I love writing body language, but dialogue can be a struggle especially when I'm first getting started and still "warming up" or if i'm feeling shaky on the character's voice. I always worry it's what I would say instead of what the character would say and have to think about it extra...
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? When it comes to characters, Waver has been my main for a while. I don't write outside of RP so usually it's just whatever I'm playing. I do really enjoy writing smut. also angst and psychologically challenging stuff, whether it's horror or interpersonal drama type stuff
23. Do you prefer prompts and memes, or completely independent ideas? Prompts for sure, or at least deciding on an idea together with my threading partner, if it's a psl.
Memes are okay, but it's really hard for me to just "jump in" with assumed CR and stuff. I always need to know character backgrounds, what got them to that point, why they're interacting, and the fun for me is in the development so I have very little interest in random meme threads and one-off stuff
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? 9/10 times I'd rather do angst because I feel like there's more to dig into there and it's just more interesting for me to write. sometimes supplemented with fluff is good though (hurt/comfort is great, but idk if that counts as fluff??)
17. A trope youโll never, ever write for. omg..... that's hard. do i even know tropes?! I guess it's hard to say "never!!" because there are certain situations where I could be interested in it but for the most part i don't really care for marriage plots and I absolutely have 0 interest in writing about having or raising children
26. Is there anything youโve wanted to write RP for, but youโve been too scared to try? ............certain kinks that are only fit for rpanons and socks HAHA
less scared and more embarrassed. tho is such a mood ahahaha. alas i admire you for the body language and emotion descriptions, but i think your dialogue and character voice is topnotch
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? hoo boy this one is... many. i'm a big ol' sucker for hurt/comfort, and Drama (to cause the hurt in the first place). I also love love pet ppl. also master/pet or master/servant dynamics (power imbalance dynamics in general, choice). is that a trope??
24. One-shot RP or multi-part RP epics? I prefer longer stuff because it gives more room for development. i can never keep things short anyway..... but i usually get invested in an idea and then i want to play with it for a long time haha
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? my audience is only other rpers........ hahah. UM. I can't think of anything i 'wish' anyone knew but i guess when it comes to like times i'm available to rp i do really like boomeranging, it gets me in the groove and makes me more excited to do other tags too!
With writing in general, idk if this is an 'element' but as part of the process it's always the getting started or figuring out 'an idea' that is the hardest for me. as for like the hardest part of a tag...
When it comes to characters, Waver has been my main for a while. I don't write outside of RP so usually it's just whatever I'm playing. I do really enjoy writing smut. also angst and psychologically challenging stuff, whether it's horror or interpersonal drama type stuff
Prompts for sure, or at least deciding on an idea together with my threading partner, if it's a psl.
9/10 times I'd rather do angst because I feel like there's more to dig into there and it's just more interesting for me to write. sometimes supplemented with fluff is good though (hurt/comfort is great, but idk if that counts as fluff??)
omg..... that's hard. do i even know tropes?! I guess it's hard to say "never!!" because there are certain situations where I could be interested in it but for the most part i don't really care for marriage plots and I absolutely have 0 interest in writing about having or raising children
............certain kinks that are only fit for rpanons and socks HAHA
less scared and more embarrassed. tho
is such a mood ahahaha. alas i admire you for the body language and emotion descriptions, but i think your dialogue and character voice is topnotchhoo boy this one is... many. i'm a big ol' sucker for hurt/comfort, and Drama (to cause the hurt in the first place). I also love love pet ppl. also master/pet or master/servant dynamics (power imbalance dynamics in general, choice). is that a trope??
I prefer longer stuff because it gives more room for development. i can never keep things short anyway..... but i usually get invested in an idea and then i want to play with it for a long time haha
my audience is only other rpers........ hahah. UM. I can't think of anything i 'wish' anyone knew but i guess when it comes to like times i'm available to rp i do really like boomeranging, it gets me in the groove and makes me more excited to do other tags too!