5. He's not really good at either, but he's way better at touching than being touched. He often reacts to unexpected touches as if they're a prelude to violence, since in his experience, they usually are. He's learning to be more comfortable about friendly/tender touching, but it's taken a while
11. In the rare instances where he actually gets drunk, he definitely gets handsier. I'm sure he's gone over to Norton's drunk at least once and just, like, tried to climb him.
14. If he absolutely had to, he'd probably try touching them on the shoulder. Doing that kind of light, friendly touching thing. While panicking, since he's not good at it
15. He talks with his hands a fair amount, so he's likely to wave to get someone's attention. He may notice someone pointing at him, but he could be oblivious to it, it'd depend on circumstances. In turn, he does tend to point at things.
Marty: 8. 14
Thomas: 1, 15