🦎Lizardbeth☕ on Twitter
the whistleblower of this whole sordid affair is reversing their statement
screenshots available in the Twitter thread but
tl;dr: there was no evidence of grooming or pedophilia.
Mind if I replurk?
go for it
that omelas kid
okay leaning in here but
that omelas kid
my understanding is that the person who amplified the initial statement has retracted their statement
that omelas kid
not the person who came forward with video evidence/etc. about dan being shitty to them
that omelas kid
no evidence of underage grooming or pedophilia, but that's basically what was already there
i'm not saying dan's off the hook
it's just
that omelas kid
i just want to make it clear that the person who was hurt here did not reverse her statement
not quite the degree of Creepy we thought
that omelas kid
just the person that amped it up
yes, exactly
A General Timeline with the Drama that ensued (with ...
this post goes into further detail. a lot of the information was straight up made up or confirmed not to be dan
that omelas kid
that omelas kid
i haven't seen any of the stuff that limiakentledge linked, so probably read that before listening to my prior posts here
(it's a helmet)
"not grooming, just Standard Rockstar Bullshit". Which... again, trash garbage, but also like.

exactly the sort of shit Daniel Avidan has looked up to his entire fucking life
(it's a helmet)
so like. surprise still = 0
yeah I feel this. glad no one was groomed but someone still got hurt and I'm just smh
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
I think honestly we ought to be careful with throwing words around. While what he's done is shitty, throwing "pedophilia" and "grooming" around literally did nothing to help.
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
It's pure cancel culture.
they also took away from the discussion that needs to happen, which would be the whole rock star/groupie thing
suuuuuper badly needs to be deconstructed and left in the trash
Mad Larkin
yeah, what he did was shitty enough, I feel like going right for hot-button words and then yelling at people who were trying to figure out what was going on didn't actually help
coffee gremlin☕
i honestly hate how fast the internet is to throw around terms like Pedo, Grooming, Narcissist, etc. do people need to know what these things are? definitely. but throwing them around carelessly does more damage than good. not just to the person being accused, but also to people's understanding of those words
simple dog
I was never super into gamegrumps (I watched the ten minute power hour stuff in my downtime), but that warning post that immediately went up and got replurked a bunch rubbed me the wrong way, so I'm happy I deepdove into the situation and reached my own conclusions.
simple dog
I'm pretty confident there was absolutely no pedophilia and/or grooming involved in this situation at all, and I think it's just... not a good idea to throw it around without considering the ramifications of if those allegations are wrong. Not just for the person being pointed at, but for the authenticity of genuinely illegal behaviors by creators
simple dog
and the trust for the victims of grooming and pedophilia.
simple dog
tl;dr this sucked to watch unfold
coffee gremlin☕
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
as someone who decided to stop watching them because of this (because I feel like Dan's actual behavior is over a line for me), I feel like the inital callout post I saw here on plurk was by someone who already didn't like the Game Grumps and wanted to paint them in the worst possible light immediately
simple dog
Also, please, it is important to stand with the victim, but always be particularly cautious of third-person accounts of a victim's situation. The actual fan involved (I'm not sure if this is confirmed the fan 100% or not) has stated there was nothing illegal happening and that they don't believe it was grooming at all. It's unfortunate, but their story
simple dog
was used by a very particular group of people who had extreme bias against the person it was about, and she was unfortunately used by them to further a message they wanted painted a very particular way.
coffee gremlin☕
i was going to say, as far as i understand r/rantgrumps (where the initial reddit post was made) is a subreddit full of grump haters so like. that's likely the least reliable source for stuff like this.
Cookie Politics
yeah, and when I went to block the person who spread it around Twitter, because I have no patience for this shit, their Twitter bio said "proshippers don't interact", which if you know anything about that particular aspect of fandom makes their initial takes suspect as well
yeah, and the person who posted to reddit was apparently plotting the whole thing on kiwifarms for a week
Cookie Politics
this is a fucking mess, and I hate that people decided to use a terrible crime as some kind of gotcha, which is now going to overshadow any actual abuse that happened here
simple dog
At the very least, it’s a source that needs looking into fully before being used as credible. I’ll never completely discredit an anti or biased group, but I would also be very aware to wait and process everything knowing there is a potential for disingenuous content.
Mad Larkin
kiwifarms, really? well, there goes any respect I've had for their opinion
simple dog
I think regardless of what anyone thinks (or at least I hope), none of us want someone on a news website for pedophilia and grooming when they have absolutely not done that. Things spread too far and fast on the internet for careless reporting, from journalists or from well-meaning folks who hit the alarm button too fast and hard.
simple dog
Yeah, it’s just. A mess.
coffee gremlin☕
just came across this and thought ppl in this plurk might like to see it. apparently Dan put out a statement about it?
Game Grumps' Dan Avidan responds to sexual misconduc...
coffee gremlin☕
(found through a link on r/gamegrumps)
Cookie Politics : ah that does explain it
also what is kiwi farms?
Mad Larkin
it's a website where people "discuss online figures" aka mock/sneer/generally act like assholes
once in a blue moon useful information can come out of it, but...
it's also very 4channishly full of "ironic" racism/transphobia/etc
Cookie Politics
it's a forum for discussing "public figures who make fools of themselves", but it's got a long history of doxing people, particularly queer people
Thick Malört
Imagine a site-wide Wankgate but it's absolutely everything all at once on the internet and even more problematic/NSFW
coffee gremlin☕
sounds like a terrible place
Thick Malört
It is, but hilariously less than everyone thought, considering that right-wingers tried to use it as a safe haven after the 2020 election and got laughed right the fuck off the site by everyone including the right-wing members
Thick Malört
Which either says a lot about how pathetic Nazis are, or says a bunch about how even a place like Kiwifarms has standards somehow
as i understand it, kiwifarms is like wankgate for youtube stars
oh somebody already said that
Mmmmmm. Yeah. Between the "proshippers dni" and the reddit poster being on kiwifarms....
thanks for sharing this. I feel awful for the victims that had their story hijacked by people who misused extreme accusations, because now it means so many people are going to dismiss their original and valid problem.
since using your fans for sex is still skeevy, even if it is legal
just. ugh. don't use those accusations unless it's true.
yeah. it's not just a nuclear option for tanking somebody you don't like, we need to be able to take those accusations seriously
it's crying wolf and I hate it
(it's a helmet)
bad actors on both sides poison the well :-(
(it's a helmet)
both people who cry wolf and people who refuse to listen because of the first set of people
lmfao. the person who put together the bullshit statement has "proshippers dni" in their twitter bio. i'm shocked, shocked
what the fuck does that even mean
Thick Malört
what the christ
so they're... antiproshipping
Thick Malört
Thick Malört
I tell you, it's a hell of a day today, I have one group experiencing the people more insane than the average netizen, and in another thread on here, I have someone who went to a seminar fulla normies without having really experienced a seminar fulla normies
Thick Malört
Also, I had to order my cereal from a few miles away
Cookie Politics
even better, the "opposite" group in fandom, called antis or more recently fanpol or fandomentalists, have a long history of calling things pedophilia that are not pedophilia, even in a fictional sense
Cookie Politics
hence why those of us that know the lingo are rolling our eyes at that particular person
papermint tiger
...i'll have to remember proshippers, that's. A new one to me.
papermint tiger
this whole situation is so... idk what the right term is
papermint tiger
i feel bad for the person hurt by it, but it should never have gone this far/in this direction
(it's a helmet)
yeah, "proshippers" is an anti/fanpol dogwhistle of "I believe anyone who ships people in a fictional setting is passively enabling grooming"
what Yuff said. words mean things and this is why
/gently flashes back to being told that shipping Wolf and Virginia from 10th Kingdom - and more specifically saying "hey can you not sling your shit in here" - was enabling problematic media
A Grinning DM
it's been a long time... what was supposedly the problem with Wolf and Virginia?
basically Wolf's early-series/full-moon predatory behavior
you know. as a literal predator
and this person was claiming Virginia just ~forgave him~ because he did nice things for her and made puppy eyes when he got in trouble
like. you grossly underestimate how little shit Virginia took, my dude
A Grinning DM
got it
spoony bard
oh my god, I'm having flashbacks to that ship, thank you for this
spoony bard
I love that mini series, god, the person making those criticisms sounds insufferable
Cookie Politics
I mean, at least that sort of resembled an actual possible problematic relationship dynamic, there were people claiming the Winston and Hammond ship in Overwatch was pedophilia
Cookie Politics
for those not aware, those two are a genetically modified guerilla and a hamster
like if you find it problematic more power to you, just
just because I find this scary dynamic attractive and fun to watch doesn't mean I endorse abuse, is all I'm sayin'
cause we gotta remember: https://images.plurk.com/6jTGDpI4yJ4aG1c7LNxn2x.gif
but I'll stop derailing because this is a real life person
fun little fact, some people are trying to get the term "frollo" to become a thing for antis, because often times antis actually like some problematic stuff, too, whether secretly or they think they themselves are special and are okay to like that sort of thing. this is especially prominent in fujoshi discourse where antis will criticize BL and BL consumers
but then their bio has a gay otp on it or they reblog/retweet gay ships nskxnsjd
LMAO that's great
omg that's fantastic.
Nin in JJK hell
yes frollos
.........am I the only one not remotely surprised that there was a situation where at the very least Danny had a sexual relationship with someone willing at the time and then other things caught his attention at all
I mean I haven't watched Game Grumps anything in a few years but I'm pretty sure I remember his whole thing being that he was the "wholesome and innocent" one except that a large proportion of his anecdotes were about hookups
and Arin was the unfiltered and coarse once except that he was monogamous and pure and dokidoki over his wife
not as a "and therefore no one should be critical thing" but that... was a thing that always left me pretty ambivalent about Danny, so I'm a little puzzled at the way this whole thing spiraled
I never thought Danny was seen as wholesome and innocent?
not that I'm doubting you, I'm just surprised and didn't know :0
I think just because he's usually more chill and laid back in manner than Arin, he often kind of has that Silly Harmless Fellow vibe?
or I mean this is my recollection from years ago, of course, so XD
I have listened to a lot of game grumps, and, yes, that is the gist of their personas.
I don't pretend that listening to dudes play videogame on the internets actually tells me anything about them as people, but the only things that surprised me were the things that now appear to be false.
yeah that's kind of my take also
Thick Malört
Those didn't surprise me as much, because NSP kinda delves a little into that?
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
I had that "wait what did you expect?" reaction to at least the part about Dan having a history of hooking up with girls, yeah... he was never subtle about that being his approach to relationships in general until he ended up in a committed relationship more recently
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
but I guess some people thought because he was always the chill one with the sweet, caring vibes, it just wasn't possible that he could have hurt anyone, even unintentionally.
♓︎ᴍᴇɢᴀɴᴇ ʟɪsᴀ♌︎
"has good intentions" doesn't always equal "has never done anything wrong", but it's very easy to make that logical leap as a fan
Thick Malört
I'd say as a person in general. It's kind of a thing I've had to routinely check people on
it's important to remember that, and this is true regardless of if they have scandals or not, the face of any content creator we see is only part of their whole personality that they've curated to show.
and this isn't me being a cynical person claiming that all youtubers are liars or secretly sketch, promise. It's not even necessarily a bad thing tbh.
as many former daily vloggers can attest - it can be very unhealthy to put your entire life on display for an audience all the time.
so when content creators make videos, they usually put forward the personality aspects of them that is best suited for the content they make. Kinda like how when you work in customer service- you lean on different faucets of your personality than you would around your friends
or if you're around kids - you're not about to bust out your best sex and swearing jokes
my point is, when I see things like "I've seen videos and based on that I never thought they'd do/be [x]" - that's purely because we only see one side of their personality. Even if you watched every single video in a long time youtuber's career- that's not the same as knowing them as a person.
The BeYond
We actually have known of online personalities where we know too much about them personally, it's a bad thing
The BeYond
Part of Spoony's problemm, I think.
The BeYond
The BeYond
But yeah. You should have some filters between yourself and your audience
The BeYond
They shouldn't have unfiltered access to everything you are
and again, that's not me saying "every youtuber is a shady liar". That's just how the job works. A more positive example of this is that Eugene Lee Yang of the Try Guys has been in a serious relationship with his boyfriend for 7 years, and he only came out of the closet publically in 2019.
The BeYond
It's uncomfortable, awkward, and detrimental to your ability to be entertaining
The BeYond
Oh, no, I was agreeing with you, sorry. That was not meant to be a counterpoint or correction.
The BeYond : oh no I totally agree with you!
I was just finishing up my own point but was slower at typing
Spoony is a perfect example of TMI
The BeYond
I mean, I absolutely think part of the reason his relationship with April turned out so dire is because he was dating a fan. (Hey, ties into the plurk topic.) It's possible for that to become a healthy dynamic, but man is it not probable
The BeYond
And that sort of ties into it. There's a line between your personal life and your professional life. Inviting people across the line either direction needs to be done very carefully if at all
The BeYond
Whether it's inviting a fan into your personal life for intimacy or putting your entire personal life into your career with no boundaries, it is not good
it is much more difficult to be a youtuber than people realize
-- which I don't say that as a defense to him. Just an acknowledgement of the situation.
on the whole I find any celebrity who uses their fans for sexual stuff to be on the skeevy side because of power dynamics and what not even if I also recognize it's legal
but I also understand people have differing opinions on it and that's fine. I stand by my original take that this is a complicated situation, and people need to decide for themselves how they feel
The BeYond
I don't know if I'd call it a power dynamic but there's certainly an imbalance.
i mean power dynamics can come in all sorts of ranges and sizes. I'm not saying it's on level of a CEO and an intern, it's not. but yeah imbalance is probably the better word for it
The BeYond
Right. Either way, there is- minimally- a strong, strong danger of uneven investment
The BeYond
If not far worse
The BeYond
But uneven investment is definitely enough to be a problem all by itself
Cookie Politics
yeah, especially when dating a public figure, because even if the relationship is consensual and wouldn't be unbalanced otherwise, you're inevitably going to be involved with the public figure aspect as well, even if only a little, and not everyone is comfortable with that or skilled at setting those boundaries
Cookie Politics
like, iirc, Ray/brownman's wife, Tina was at least a mild fan of his before they met, but Ray's pretty good at managing his community boundaries, at least from what I've seen in streams, and Tina decided to put her business management skills to use and runs their merch store, so it's worked out for them
Cookie Politics
but that's not always the case, and there's a ton of examples of that from Hollywood actors and the like
Cookie Politics
but not everyone thinks about these things when they are young and starstruck or young and new to fame
The BeYond
Oh, yeah. Tina also kinda slotted into his work as a very complementary partner, which makes it less of a "celebrity/fan" relationship and equalizes the dynamic a lot.
The BeYond
The fact that she deals with the business side of his current stuff reinforces that
oh yeah, and also there is a difference between dating a fan with the intent of having a relationship and treating them like a groupie
in the classic rockstar "use them for casual sex" way
The BeYond
The BeYond
(Incidentally, a big difference with Dan. He seems to have been in the latter boat. I don't know if he was even cognizant how that would hurt the person on the fan end.)
The BeYond
(Just never occurred to him, I don't think)
yeah, I'm sure it didn't occur to him because groupie culture is so normalized and even glorified by media and society
which is a huge problem by itself
That Black Cat
ngl when I saw this pop up on my feed, I got a little scared, but good. good good.
rlly good brain
I was really hesitant to weigh in on this but like...something else to keep in mind when it comes to accusations like this? In addition to the incredibly important please do research before jumping to a conclusion one way or the other and the also incredibly important victims need to be encouraged and believed so that this stuff can be brought to light?
rlly good brain
Like...just be extra vigilant when these kinds of accusations are being levelled at minorities/members of minority groups. Because there's usually a history of extremely not okay stereotypes and accusations being levelled at that group that can rear its head really fast.
rlly good brain
I'm not saying that's what happened here. But it's just...another facet of the "please check sources/do research" before spreading this stuff like wildfire that I hadn't seen brought up regarding incidences like this.
Cookie Politics
yeah, I've seen pedophilia accusations tossed at trans women by people trying to ruin their lives, let's not use the same tactics as terfs and the conservative right
That Black Cat
re: the groupie thing, i also see a lot of unfortunate slut-shaming leveled at him.
yeah idk how much is groupie-ism and how much is him not getting that a lot of people are much less casual about sex, I kind of suspect a mix
I mean intellectual I presume he does, but I always got the vibe that he had a very "we all had fun what's the problem???" attitude... but of course curated state personality so who knows really, but
That Black Cat
also, after having spent a week on r/rantgrumps and twitter and such, can I say how refreshing and even-headed this thread has been. Thank you all so much.
yeah there are reasons this and twitch are basically the only social media I go to anymore >_>
coffee gremlin☕
yeah i gotta agree. this thread has been really refreshing to read. there's definitely been some behavior that isn't cool. not illegal, but still shitty. and it's nice to hear level heads about all this.
yeah the extreme takes in other places has been Yeesh. But this is a nuanced situation and alas most parts of the internet. Not great at Nuance.
That Black Cat : Exacerangutan : and yeah you two have great points about slut-shaming casual sex vs groupieism. I think the difference is very much in the communication that's had between them, and since we don't have a transcript - we can only guess what went down.
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
For a lot of people it's easier to think binary. You're good or evil. No in-between. Unfortunately, if we went by that logic, we're probably all evil due to stuff we have inadvertently done at some point in our lives.
it's true. and it doesn't help that stan and hater cultures are fueling people's opinions even more
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
[throws out a golden apple labeled To The Least Problematic]
god the number of people I saw be like "well at least [insert fave ytuber here] wouldn't do stuff like this!!!"
like no...dude stop. Stop idolizing, you don't know these people 100% and they are human beings
That Black Cat
★ тяу-нαя∂уи finally, an award for chica the dog
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if jackspecticeye was outed to be a sexual predator, and he's the youtuber i'd least expect to be.
★ тяу-нαя∂уи
fuck, you're right. but she can share with gabu.
Best Of Gabu
right I didn't expect Bon Appetit to turn out to be insanely racist but here we are.
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
I remember Etika in a stream told his viewers something like "Don't trust Youtubers! Don't trust me! For all you know I'm a really bad person" or something like that when talking about that stuff
coffee gremlin☕
yeah people got markiplier trending when all the r/rantgrumps post went viral bc they were saying that at least he's not problematic. like dude. that's just...no. everyone has issues and flaws, and using one person's/group's issues to boost another person is all kinds of wrong
That Black Cat
yeah it comes off as really icky, even with the obvious problem aside
right especially when they all run in the same circles? So that can't have felt good for Mark
That Black Cat
yeah, they're pretty good friends
That Black Cat
like, that shit's not fair, man.
papermint tiger
Also i remember how both Mark and Jacksepticeye were shit on over how they supported Pewdiepie. Not saying that was right or wrong, just
papermint tiger
How quickly the internet forgets
That Black Cat
yeeah that never sat right w/me
coffee gremlin☕
i know next to nothing abt pewdiepie aside from he's a big youtuber, so idk what that controversy was. but also the public needs to remember they don't know everything about a person and what they do see if a very curated image. esp when it comes to celebs. so shitting on someone over supporting another person is kinda whack when there's no way to know
coffee gremlin☕
all the facts
That Black Cat
pdp's had a few... usually revolving around racism
coffee gremlin☕
oh. well.
coffee gremlin☕
racism ain't cool by any means
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
I think pewdiepie is an idiot who doesn't realize his words have weight
yeah pdp is one of those people who you could start a very long talk about intent vs outcome and come away with many different conclusions
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
It's because mark and jack support him that I don't think he's malicious, they prob know him better than we do. But he's. very dumb.
but yeah that's my general interpretation. He's an idiot that needs to learn he's not good at edgy humor like he thinks he is
but I also don't follow him closely because even before the controversies I wasn't into his style of video
pewds is stupid but not malicious imo
very very dumb
like. "how do you exist on this planet" levels of moron. but hey there's lots of those
coffee gremlin☕
memento, first off i gotta say i so appreciate your display name lol
coffee gremlin☕
but yeah if sean and mark support him...i can at least give him the benefit of the doubt that he's just really dumb and not malicious.
coffee gremlin☕
still not gonna go jumping to watch his content, but still
MNK Zoomies
I have been lurking on rantgrumps on and off the last few months (since I have been disappointed in the direction GG is going), and... yeah the Dan allegations aren't even new, apparently they had been known for quite some time but I'm not sure why this one in particular caught fire :|
MNK Zoomies
...and it's a shame it got blown so out of proportion too since now it's just a mess
coffee gremlin☕ hehehehe. Thank you |D
That Black Cat
grifstar i think only bexause of that video message, which, as was outlined in that timeline thread, was also possibly also in group chats, so even that isn't really all that lurid, esp. considering his sense of humor
Mad Larkin
I feel like Pewdiepie is on some kind of different level than Dan, because idiot racisim is still racism, but my general reaction to people working with him is mild annoyance, usually
The BeYond
I would argue that idiot racism is in fact all racism
coffee gremlin☕
Mad Larkin
Mad Larkin
I meant more the intent behind it, but all racism is built on some value of stupidity, from what I've seen
my vague recollection is that pdp's thing was basically "joke" racism to be edgy and then refusing to accept that "lawlz it's just a joek" doesn't make it ok
which... is always hard to separate out whether it's racism or innocent stupidity with a side of arrogance or both
coffee gremlin☕
mmm yeah. i feel like a bunch of ppl would have pointed out how that's not ok to pdp though and...refusing to listen to that many ppl definitely speaks of arrogance, but also actual racism. idk i've never watched his stuff so take my opinion with a grain of salt
Cookie Politics
honestly, I take more issue with his fans than pdp himself, his fandom has a white supremacy problem, and he has tried to address that a couple of times with mixed results
Cookie Politics
iirc he did lose a show deal because of racism/antisemitism shit, so it's not like he's gotten off scot-free all the time
yeah the fan response has been a lot of "how dare you!!!" as I remember
coffee gremlin☕
oof. i wanna believe he's just that dumb, but i will say that making racist remarks and then not apologizing or stopping when it's pointed out will definitely draw racist fans. they'll take his refusal to admit it's wrong as permission to be racist themselves. which would make for a toxic fanbase for sure
^ yeah this
not unlike certain politicians who need not be named, I don't think he's more than casually/lazily racist on his own, but he also doesn't seem seriously bothered by the adoration of racists as long as they drive up his viewership numbers/income
coffee gremlin☕
and that right there is just greed imo. wanting money no matter who or where it comes is...yeah just kinda greedy.
coffee gremlin☕
i think that's one thing i really like that the grumps did. they distanced themselves from jontron when it came out that he was racist.
coffee gremlin☕
and arin i know used to say racist things, then learned he shouldn't and stopped. he's shown that he wants to do the right thing and will make steps to improve. i think this is why i'm not so quick to dismiss the grumps (that and ngl starbomb and nsp helped me through one of the hardest times of my life)
That Black Cat
srsly nsp's cover albums have meant so much to me. I would be devastated if I had to throw them out. not to mention I picked up danny sexbang for memes and boy did I pick a great time to try to do stuff with him again
(it's a helmet)
arin at his very least is kind of like, the flipside of pdp, in a way?

pdp is an idiot who recognizes his idiocy is getting him views and cash and is like "oh okay then everything's great" without thinking more critically than that

egoraptor is an idiot who finds out that he's been doing a dumb and is like "oh fuck, oh shit, i'll try to fix that"
(it's a helmet)
(and I say "idiot" in the most endearing 'bless your heart' sense)
coffee gremlin☕
that's the thing though. arin cares. and i'd like to think dan does, too. i don't think i've seen him address any of this stuff, but it would be kind of nice to. i have faith that he's just an endearing idiot like arin is and is willing to correct problematic behavior, but still
re: the pfp thing. tbh I feel like it's not quite right to say both mark and jack were wrong with how they supported him because at the very least, imo, jack was much better at it than mark. he defended odo but still said that what he did was wrong, whereas mark was very "pfp did nothing wrong" in his video, which was also extremely condescending and
hard to watch. like jacksepticeye still had some air of humility in his video, saying "pdp shouldn't have done that, it was stupid, but the media overdone it" and mark was just....ugh
coffee gremlin☕
ah i see. i don't think i watched mark's video on the whole pdp thing. only really started getting into his stuff with unus annus, and after that it's very...idk situational? i pick and choose what stuff of his i watch
(it's a helmet)
mark in general comes off as very "nobody is allowed to be mad here this is a happy place" which... is incredibly double-edged when someone is casually/passively harmful like pdp's words and actions are
coffee gremlin☕
mmm i feel like that's bordering on toxic positivity which ain't cool
(it's a helmet)
yeah i've seen glimpses of that in mark's stuff and like. not sure how to parse it
coffee gremlin☕
yeah. otoh i understand wanting to have a happy place. we all need that. but you also have to be able to address issues and not just sweep them under the rug
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
I think as a general rule, pdp has matured since his marriage. I only watch his videos whenever youtube see fit to throw them in my recommended, and he doesn't look that bad any more.
𝕁υѕт мєℓσ∂ιє
i even remembered a video in which he spoke of lgbt right and said something like "I used to think it wasn't important to speak of it but I've realized I was wrong and the pride is really a very important event" and i was like, wow? did he grow up?
oh yeah I remember those videos from Mark and Jack. Mark's was ... not great. like a classic example of why youtubers try to stay out of controversies that involve their friends