Princess Emily
"gods become superheroes" is done by every comic-book-hero-verse, so why isn't there a superhero version of Artemis??
Princess Emily
she's the EXACT kind of goddess to care more about stuff going on on Earth than other gods
Princess Emily
her powerset is well-suited to superheroics (archery??? like hawkeye but better!! plus hunting shit, good stuff)
she wouldn't have to worry about romance either, with that aroace rep
Princess Emily
I stand by lesbian Artemis interpretation
Princess Emily
but both reps are needed so
I lean heavy into aroace interpretation myself, being greyroace
apollo: so sorry that you'll never fall in love, dear sister
artemis, flocked on all sides by women: oh no how sad
Princess Emily
p much that
Princess Emily
she would kick All The Ass
Princess Emily
Lord Nick
She exists in Marvel although I don't think she's really a "superhero."
Princess Emily
hunting criminals
Princess Emily
Lord Nick : yeah i figured but I mean in a full "on earth, is a superhero, fights criminals and has a hero identity and joins superhero groups"
Lord Nick
Ah, yep, there she is. She fought the Avengers once because Thor beat up Hercules.
Lord Nick
Yeah, I thought I remembered her being there but I couldn't remember her actual status so yeah you're right.
A Grinning DM
I think Artemis isn’t a super”hero” in Marvel because Marvel already committed to Greek Gods being kind of a foil for the Asgardians?
A Grinning DM
I don’t know if Wonder Woman has ever tapped Artemis, I know they’ve used other greek gods (usually as antagonists)
Lord Nick
Yeah, she exists as a character but she's not a superhero. Which would be pretty cool.
Princess Emily
see like, that's the thing though, Artemis doesn't really just hang out with the other gods
Princess Emily
she has no reason to be all aloof and staying far away
A Grinning DM
I looked it up an apparently Artemis is an Amazon who wields the Bow of Ra, and teamed up with a couple B-rank villains to get it which is
A Grinning DM
I agree with you Em, the potential of Artemis in comics has been squandered
Princess Emily
after this epiphany i swear next time there's a tabletop superhero campaign, I am playing Artemis,
I like to split the difference and go with asexual homoromantic for Artemis, personally. : D
She doesn't want to sleep with women, she wants to go on beautiful poignant forest adventures with them where they fight back to back against a great and powerful quarry.
And that's valid.
Princess Emily
that's valid
A Grinning DM
didn't Zeus disguise himself as Artemis to seduce one of her priestesses, or was that a different goddess?
he did and it was awful