spent much of today playing Baldur's Gate 3 which is in early access and is delightfully janky
it's just Select A Face at the moment, no idea if it's gonna get more in depth
you can be three different flavors of tief tho!!
you get choice of hair/eye/skin combos and the hairstyles are actually good
no different body shapes other than your race tho. I like that it lets u be a drow, that's what I made my character
oh yeah it's VERY unfinished. a ton of the cutscenes are broken yet and there's glitchy stuff galore
I had to reload because my one character decided to fall down a cliff without me telling her to and got to a spot I couldn't reach her in death saves, I was like LOL RELOAD
d&d mechanics translate weeeeirdly to vidya. but it's interesting!!!!!
it is good in every fight to get to high ground in stealth, snipe from height, get to cover and hide
for EVERYBODY not just rogues lol because everybody can use a crossbow.
in the latest update they added Druid as a playable class
I have not played it yet but considering the intro level quests it could make things interesting