Vincent Gogh
Tag plurk
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
note to self tag the Romana mini event
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
lemme fix
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
its okay I snickered
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
COOL GUY ZONE looking at your tag and trying to figure out somethng clever like the cricket ball
Vincent Gogh
but with an orange
oh I love that
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
the hard part is thinking about what is logically in this space first
Vincent Gogh
Also you are free to handwave Amara went to the meeting if you'd like
Vincent Gogh
I might save myself the trouble and just have him toss a fork like a dart
I'll check it out and decide tomorrow
Do what you gotta I'm here for anything
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
He could toss an orange and hit the center of one of the chairbacks and cause that to come down against the nurse
Vincent Gogh
brainstorming dont mind me
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
10 to Amara he's got your back not!sis
Year of the Cat
When I am off tomorrow, I am definitely tagging him! It's high time these two met!
Vincent Gogh
\o Ten did read Maul's network post
Vincent Gogh
and isnt going to hold what happened against him
Vincent Gogh
also I put 10 in the mini-event if that looks more interesting to do :-)
Year of the Cat
Maul just thinks everyone in town is too nice. He needs to find more judgmental assholes like himself who will judge him accordingly.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
to be honest that might be hard
Vincent Gogh
Given that most know that the setting can influence you
Vincent Gogh
But for Doctor it's that on-top of always looking for the reason before rushing to a conclusion
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
iwasneverhere and I think we're good with our thread; and they're just gonna catch up soon?
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
SouthernMoonshine feel free to assume that she's getting blood packets as needed :-)
Most excellent, she shall be the most well-supplied vampire in Deerington
Vincent Gogh
She’s from 1865-ish tho and blood typing wasn’t really discovered until after the 1900s so she’ll definitely be asking about that one
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
he was totally taste testing
Vincent Gogh
which is actually in the video I just put up
Vincent Gogh
Ten licking human blood and saying its A postive
Vincent Gogh
I sort of wish I could have written this out
Vincent Gogh
and Ten being 'too much iron', not enough, etc XD
Vincent Gogh
A postive blood apparently has a dash of iron
Vincent Gogh
at least the synthetic blood will taste good?
Vincent Gogh
SouthernMoonshine there are very few things that Ten will not put in his mouth
Vincent Gogh
and much easier to make a list of what he wont
Vincent Gogh
he has very, very sensitive tastebuds that taste molecules
Vincent Gogh
down to specific compounds
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
c_for_characters he might take her up on that before end game
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
It might be sooner rather than later
Vincent Gogh
Romana really shook Ten
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
how dare you attack me with gifs of my OTP like this
Vincent Gogh
I luff them too and its because me and my canon blind friend were watching this the other day
Vincent Gogh
vampiricist roll in the feels with me!!
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh