So I am in the office for... absolutely no reason now. My boss literally just emailed me that she has to cancel the photo session today...
It's 8am - I start at 9am... but she hpes I haven't left the house yet because there's no reason to come into the office verses work from home.
yeah, no, I leave between 6:50 and 7:10 because the drive takes 30-45 minutes. So 100% already here when she emailed.
To top it off, I'm feeling nauseous and migrainey. So yay florescent lights above me all day.
<-- Live feed of my face right now because the Resident Director of Directors is going "This is the wrong Policy that was emailed out!" But none of the current Onboarding Staff (Me Included, my supervisor included) has any Idea of what he's talking about.
what links are you referencing should have taking place instead of the Policy? What Policies are you saying shouldn't be in the Resident Agreement? CAN WE CHANGE THE DOCUMENT WITHOUT LEGAL LOOKING AT IT BEFORE WE SEND IT!? I mean, I'm pretty sure I know the answer but...
Also why is this issue coming up the WEEK WE NEED TO DRAFT AND SEND THESE?!
why was this not brought up sooner when you were interviewing in January?
I'm going to roll into The Falcon and The Winter Soldier to calm my frustration down.