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I got the demo for Fights in Tight Spaces and I am kind of glad I did
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it feels... unfinished
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the interface is just busy enough to leave me confused about what's going on, what spaces are open/blocked, what cards do
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some effects seem to just not do what they say
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on my first real mission I reached a point where every enemy was gaining free Block every turn and I just couldn't hurt anyone
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the View Replay a la superhot is a cool idea but the fight replays are just as stiff and turn-based as the gameplay was so it's nothing
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I spent like 40 turns fighting one guy with a blowtorch
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the attack animations don't really seem to match how much damage they do
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so super combo finisher mega attacks for 20 damage are just like
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elbow strike!
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I'm not gonna say it's a bad game, some of the core gameplay is quite solid
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but just... maybe wait until it's out of early access