Lelutka Evo X, does it look Kirsteny?
So glam affair has skins for the new Evo X heads, anyone else?
I will say this is the first Lelutka head that is a maybe. The eye area is not super buggy for me like the previous heads. It was easier to shape with the sliders for me anyway.
Cami Mahovlich
lol my current Evo X looks like my normal self's younger sister. I put them boht in the same evo skin that glam affair made for the fair
Vic Lenoirre
The latest mesh heads look good but I always feel like the lips are a little too pouty. I try to thin them out a little. I'm not a big fan of the "trout pout".
Cami Mahovlich
Vic Lenoirre
: it really depends on what skin you wear as to how full or thin your lips will look, especially in these skins. Just in the five skins I've demoed, my face looks completely different in each. A few with very thin lips.
Not sure what that is I like my lip shape I made. Do I have a trout pout?
Cami Mahovlich
: lol no not to me
Here is my current Genus head: https://gyazo.com/... just for comparison
I like the Genus 1284937218764312876 times more, I just can't find a Lelutka that I like even half as much, blah
Cami Mahovlich
Genus are amazing and like no other head. So I understand where you are coming from
Cami Mahovlich
: yes, but I keep trying to change because I don't even think they get support any more. Where are the Genus creators? The separate animation and main hud is awkward and my head gets stuck in animations all the time when I have not even put on the animation hud. The heads need an update in the HUDs, updates and support.
Cami Mahovlich
Thats a really good point, now that you mention it I havent seen or heard much from the creators at all.
Vic Lenoirre
: I heard the term last week. It's when women put too much lip filler in and their lips look very swollen. In the past, I know some were hating on CATWA mesh heads because of the fat lips. LOL.
I personally like fuller lips but then again I have fuller lips in RL.
: The only thing that I think that doesn't look YOU in the Lel head is your nose. I think just a tip wider and it looks closer to your Genus head that is you.
I do really like your mouth in the Lel head
With head are you demoing? I know they have three of them out now