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Why did I just get overwhelmed by RP anxiety? My brain telling me: "No one wants to reply to your stuff... you are a terrible writer!"

Like, I legit know this isn't true. /gestures at inbox. I am just having the weird panicky feeling.
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is it 'cuz it's 6am and I need sleep? wtf... anyone else have this problem? where their worries are completely without evidence?
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oh... I bet I know what it is... I started worrying about my MRI on Sunday, which led to thinking about my head injury, which led to this anxiety over my writing because of said head injury x.x
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Ima pass out and see if I feel better when I wake up
Me on my way to reply to your tags when I get home
It happens to the best of us. I hope sleep helps calm the feeling. <3
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lol... sleep gave me nothing but nightmares...
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but also still wtf, I was happy one second and then freaking out the next???
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eating to take meds and going back to sleep
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thank you guys!
Yeah this is pretty much why I'm only in the one private game and I rarely post on like love memes and stuff. rp anxiety is the worst. people are excited to play with you though.
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Oh I'm glad I posted on that love meme XD. Met Exacerangutan : and it's gonna turn into a psl. Just I've been a ball of anxiety lately. I at least got a refill on my ativan so /shrug
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/gently prods for reply X3
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I did clear 2 inboxes today though so,