a girl in love
[meme] get to know Sophie by asking about character flaws OR ask about past charas either is fair game
a girl in love
honestly answering this for Sophie is just gonna sound like a broken record at some point tho lol
God of Brats
sophie 7
a girl in love
7. What is the biggest mistake they’ve ever made? HONESTLY IDK
a girl in love
Sophie like... messed up a lot of her relationships in similar ways so it’s hard to say which is the worst
God of Brats
LOL fair
God of Brats
10, 11, 12?
a girl in love
10. Some of their emotional shortcomings?
a girl in love
honestly where do you draw the line between emotional and intellectual shortcomings when someone goes into delusional fits where they start conflating different people and events together
a girl in love
but probably Sophie’s worst emotional shortcomings are 1. when she gets angry she can only deescalate her temper by hitting/breaking/hurting something or by derailing it with her abandonment complex so if she tries to keep to just words in an argument it will just get rapidly and exponentially worse
a girl in love
2. crippling abandonment complex
a girl in love
really those should be flipped. abandonment complex 1 temper 2
a girl in love
I’d say the temper doesn’t come up as much but the abandonment complex also usually flies under the radar until suddenly it doesn’t
a girl in love
11. What are their intellectual shortcomings? honestly I would actually say Sophie’s worst intellectual shortcoming is that she thinks she’s stupider than she is
a girl in love
she doesn’t read or write well bc she had a ton of problems during the compulsory education part of her life so she didn’t absorb information well or at plenty of times just straight up didn’t attend
a girl in love
so now there’s a bunch of stuff where she’s like “oh I’m just too dumb to get that” but if she actually got like decent instruction she would be able to grap it pretty quickly
a girl in love
a girl in love
12. At least one thing that they tend to overreact to.
a girl in love
“let’s take a break” “I need some space” “I’m going to be busy” “I’m going on a trip”
God of Brats
... woopsie
a girl in love