Vincent Gogh
Event as I read
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Im already laughing the first part is time traveling
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well first Ten would feel that the Holding Cell prompt is a different time
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and no one is going to tell The Doctor to kill
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so the first part is mute but maybe have a canon monster?
Jack will be on hand ....with a Weevil or two. /grins/
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Doctor will for want to talk to romana
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or try
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He will eventually get that she's not in her right mind
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Mmmm there are two ways to go with this
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Ten to get bitten or have to cave in that there isn't another way
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the problem is that I cant justify Ten releasing horrifying creatures
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they're locked in there for a reason
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Ten would obviously go though the vents
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My only question is - is there a punishment for not taking the meds
I wouldn't think so? If you're sneaky about it.
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otherwise would love to plot a prison break
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Prison break prison break!
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and I sort of want to borrow Ozpin's idea
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and have 10 look like 13
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but the trama will only happen if someone sees themself
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though I could have some real fun and have him shapeshifting between 11, 12 and 13
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which Id would like to make a pill side effect with one ^
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OwlsNotAsThySem human Ditto, Jack human Ditto that is your lover
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though to be honest not sure how serious I am with this
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going out and will chew on what Im doing too
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anyways Im having issues with the pill aspect if only because Doctor doesn't take pills anyways
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that sort of stuff will literally kill someone in canon
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and in general has enough sense to not just take pills that are handed to you
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but its canon that over the counter pain killers will kill someone
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thats how 7 died in the hospital
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they gave him human medicine
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granted the other part were also the bullets in someone's chest but the human hospital didnt know how to care for an alien
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I would like to get 11, 12 and 13 in here somehow (Just looking like them mind you) will still be 10 on the inside
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changing your face is an identity crisis
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anyways the pills are an issue because normally someone would not want to injest them because usually that would kill someone
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and who just takes pills that are handed to you?
Sounds to me from the event deets that it wouldn't be too hard to palm stuff.
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Doctor isnt House :-P
It's not exactly a modern psyche ward where, if you're on some kind of meds, they make sure you take them.,
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and having died from them in a life you might be more hesitant to pop something
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human meds canonly kills someone normally
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even over the counter stuff
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hopefully I can fudge at least one
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but again its easier when its in the drink :-P
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that I can excuse icly
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because again - still happens when drinking something
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Doctor please
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OwlsNotAsThySem point is - Doctor would be a bad patient and not take his Ward meds icly
Heh! Which makes it more interesting....
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this is why Ten had Martha hear both of his hearts when in the hospital
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because 20/21st century human hospital has killed before even if they were trying to save him
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poor 7
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but yeah; Doctor can't take anything for headaches if someone gets one and so forth
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True; I guess I just wanted this to be challenging
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but I am okay if the NPCs will force feed
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since with this he's not an alien so it wont kill him
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What I might do - if there's not a way for him to take the pill
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They - just gave 10 the wrong body somehow
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and ends up as either 11, 12 or13
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He is a very confusing being to pick a body for :-P
Flip a coin?
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I was thinking the randomizer
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best two out of three
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and also your input
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OwlsNotAsThySem and yes, Jack will have his cheeky face back at the end of this event
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though he'll still be cheeky just in another form
Having just watched the New Year's Special, I kind of want a 13!face....
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now the other half is 10 noticing that he's changed because Doctor can be very distracted about what is going
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and not notice their body is different
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it took 20 minutes into the first epsiode before someone pointed out to 13 she was a she
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Doctor was a bit busy with that alien creature thank you very much
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Im guessing Jack will be helpful here?
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if anyone is wondering why Im doing this
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Ten is very narcissistic and very bold headed that he is not going to change his form even if he has regenerations left
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this wont be as strong as I would like but its something
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He's going to question very fast about perception filters
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and also 10 changing his face means Rose is gone forever and isnt ready for that
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and thinking though if someone having blonde hair if that makes things worse or helps level that out
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now some are you are getting how I want to try and challenge someone's self identity because this is the best way to do it
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but - its going not be as effective because since the enviroment will be weird -er
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because Ten will question if he's really changed or being forced to see something different as Jack also is
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but yeah having his sixth senses shut down he will question things more
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because Doctor knows the limits of the 5 senses
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yeahhh maybe I wont have Ten look like 13
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because Im not going to get the full effect I would like
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Ten needs to have his abilities at the very least to buy into that he's actually changed
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thats such a huge thing in canon I cant not have him not question ^
Well, Jack won't be at the Lab, but someone else will... >.> <,<
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Eh it still wont work as I want because without his abilities to confirm what is being seen via 6th sense
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Doctor won't buy into much of anything there
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and wont take the pills icly
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ontop of what I said about 7
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Just watched the New New New New York epsiode where Boe dies
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Doctor shut down the ghetto part where they were selling drugs
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by threating that he'll be back
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You better not be here >:<
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^ last one he tells the slums to close their drug street
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and yes; when he came back they were gone
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I mean I can still do the event but Im not sure I can craft it where it would be as challenging
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which is what Im trying to do
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so I might just do a jail break
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since I cant find a way that will actually challenge his self
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to be honest I think they flopped on that characters would just icly take random pills handed to them
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very few people are lacking that much common sense
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otherwise its great but their key sort of - doesn't work
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they should have gone with more drugged food and/or tea
Bring it up to the mods?
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I asked if the NPCs would force the meds or punish for not taking them
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because if you weren't against drugs - common sense is like nope to being offered pills you dont recall needing
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For Ten I still have the problem of his abilities being nerfed here
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so he will question if this is a perception filter
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because Doctor knows you're limited by your 5 senses
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especially since he just got all his non game breaking abilities back
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he did this song and dance 2 years ago in game with no abilities
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at the very start
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being completely nerfed and Ive worked him up
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maybe Aprils event will challenge his sense of self more
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Goddamn it Doctor why are you so clever?
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That all said- I will for sure be doing the Ramona prompt
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That will really challenge Ten
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OwlsNotAsThySem also while my mind is on the subject of abilities being back; is Jack sleeping? because if so - Ten would have been lying next to someone even if he doesn't need to sleep
Ahhhh, these days, now that the healing factor is fully back, he might be down for a few hours, but not a full eight hours.
Same goes for someone else, who doesn't deserve to have it back. >.> <.<
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so Ten will still cuddle by Jack maybe lightly doze off for a shorter time
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Ten will continue to ward off Jack's nightmares :-)
Mmm, otherwise Jack will be up to all hours, figuring out what those elephant noises are, doing post-flight checks on Rosie the Spitfire, figuring out if that noise on the roof is more stuff falling or an intruder lurking.
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Ten needs a ride in Rosie or we can handwave that
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I dont trust Doctor to fly a plane
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its probably a bit too simple
Yiiisssss! He can help detsangle some of the scared people and critters Jack has caught while making some rounds over the town.
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So far he's caught two cows....
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Im sorry
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that makes me LMAO
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the Earthworm Jim show and video game
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always had a falling cow
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which actually one of the games started with you launching a cow
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before you go move on
I'm canon blind to that one, but... falling cows are funny.
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and then you find out at the end; if you win the race
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the cow falls on the loser in the last level
/falls over laughing/
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and this happened at the end of every epsiode though thats the only time it was an evil cow
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and you never knew which character at the end of the show
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the cow would fall on
/laughing so hard she can't type/
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end credits for the game
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Its a real trippy game and show
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and a very hard game too
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on the Super Nes
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your objectives in a level tend to be weird basically
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and tend to be feel disconnected like launching the cow on level 1
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and you dont find out till the last level why
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There is a lot of timing involved
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with whipping your head sometimes quickly to swing on a double hook
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if you watch the video the hooking is much harder than it looks when it comes to pressing the buttons
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this was always fun between the levels
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BUT if you lost you had to fight Psycrow and he is hard
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I played this a lot but I guess thats obvious :-P
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I am glad you're enjoying the cow humor
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I love it! (I admittedly like some well-played random humor and surrealism at times)
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That helped make today better :-)
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You would love this show
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Because thats all it is
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well-played random humor and surrealism
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and the games too but you need a Super Nes for them
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or Sega
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which is dating this show/game
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Theres a whole run level where you have a salt shaker after you
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that can kill you if you dont keep running and ahead
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and you have to jump over giant forks and kill food that is sentient
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the hardest level
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is Lights Out
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and its literally what it sounds like
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you have about 30 seconds of light before complete darkness
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to move around and jump and there are creatures that lurk in the dark
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sorry Who Turned Out The Lights
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Like I said this game is very hard despite how cracky it is
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and I found out many many years later
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The voice of Homer Simspon is Jim
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and Princess Whats Her Name can beat your butt and does
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We're getting a new game
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since the N64
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wherethefigslie we just started talking about Earthworm Jim in here