Frozen Time
Here is a plurk to sell people on Not Another D&D Podcast, a D&D actual play podcast that is quite funny and then starts suckerpunching you in the heart, much like TAZ.
Frozen Time
Two brief warnings up top for things that might be turn-offs for folks, though:
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1) the humor often runs extremely blue, like, they latch onto the question of what does a dragon vagina look like in the first episode, NSFW stuff leveraged for comedy is very common, and 1b) this occurs even though one of the party members (the character, not the player) is a fifteen year old boy.
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The fifteen year old is never presented as desirable or such, just. Lots of talk that wouldn't be appropriate around a real fifteen year old, and also jokes about fifteen year olds being horny, or oops accidental boner.
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2) when they get the killing blow in combat, players are prompted by the GM to describe how they finish it, Mortal Kombat-style, and they definitely go very refuge in audacity gore very often. Pulling someone's heart out through their anus is one I heard recently, for example.
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If either of those are hard no's for you, understandable, have a nice day.
Frozen Time
So, for our party consists of Hardwon Surefoot, a human raised in a dwarf orphanage, or dwarfanage. He acts like he's hot shit to compensate for what an insecure wreck he actually is. I messaged Holly on Discord recently like "Hardwon is a fuckboi wifeguy" and she was like "correct, I hate it"
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Also he's dumb as three distinct sacks of hammers, he's a mess and I love him. Not quite pure enough to be a himbo, but definitely himbo-adjacent.
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Moonshine Cybin is a Crick Elf, an elven offshoot that draws heavily from rural Appalachia for inspiration. She's a druid who's really into mushrooms and has no sense of propriety, personal space, or shame. Very big on Hospitality, not big on keeping all her clothes on.
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(Hardwon's a fighter, I realize I neglected to mention.)
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Moonshine's familiar is a possum named Paw Paw, and while he starts out as wild and feral, there's a joke early on about him being a brilliant legal mind that sticks so hard, his entire personality reshapes around it.
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Also the GM makes some great noises for his dialogue that I can't possibly recreate in text. Paw Paw's great.
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Beverly Toegold the Fifth is our third and final party member, and the aforementioned fifteen year old boy. He's a halfling paladin, a member of the Green Teens, which are deadass just Boy Scouts. He's a very good boy, our only literate party member and often the only one with the brain cell but only
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by process of elimination.
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They're all horny idiots, Brent.
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The central conceit of the campaign is that it's the "campaign after the campaign." Something like twenty years ago, I forget the exact number, a trio of adventurers travelled the land, eventually going to hell to kill Fantasy Satan, y'know, standard D&D shit, and their do-gooding has led to unintended
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consequences in the present, like in the first arc, we start in a little town that used to be under extortion by an evil dragon, which the legendary adventurers killed. But that led to a power vacuum and now the place is overrun by bandits.
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There's a couple of small arcs like that before the main driving conflict of the campaign, which, to avoid spoilers I will vaguely allude to only as the thing they really fucked up, really kicks in, about a dozen episodes in.
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Guest players come in with fairly regular frequency, most notable to my plurk list I think is Nathan from Drawfee, who plays a gnome wizard/cleric named Tonathan Tinkle.
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(Incidentally, Beverly is played by Drawfee's other founder, Caldwell Tanner.)
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The DM, Brian "Murph" Murphy, is a very experienced DM and it shows, especially when you compare it to TAZ. (Which is not a diss on Griffin, who did a fantastic job as a first-time DM.) The fights are a lot harder and more dangerous, and there are often non-standard challenges he makes, too.