[gbf] home sweet moon pt3 spoiler plurk GOD i love this
i love isaac?? and cassius??? and them together???? so much?????
and honestly i love how they're using the breathing room that comes from deciding this would be A Society Event instead of cramming everything in like SoR
there are way more character moments than i imagined there would be and that's a good thing
i think lowkey my fav line was isaac's "i want to go home, where people aren't trying to assassinate me and food tastes like food" because coupled with other bits like the moondwellers' entire shtick being "too much fear of the unknown/chaos makes you inhuman" and diaspora's literal fucking name you can really read Themes into that one
"skarme u are a neurodivergent nonwhite 2nd generation immigrant u read these things shamelessly into everything" yes which means i like it when the things meet me halfway
also up there in moments: eustace shoving the clone into a locker
rando subreddit comment: "now i want a Lettuce Go sticker" OH NO.... ME TOO