all the way
Let's talk about RP main muses.
all the way
I started RPing on Twitter probably around ... 2009 / 2010-ish?
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I played Renee Walker from 24.
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I then moved onto Lauren Zizes from Glee.
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A friend from LJ who also followed me on Twitter suggested that I might like LJ for RP, so I sent Lauren over that way.
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From there, I was recruited into several private Glee comms AND Facebook RP.
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And, incidentally, was required to have a Tumblr, although at that time, I didn't know how to use it.
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But ... I was soon ostracized for reasons unknown, and although I still played her on LJ, I delved into creating OC's.
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Abbie was my main for a long, long time, although I continued creating (and still do, even though I never get to play them) others.
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Amelia was and is my main period muse, and at some point, I played her in all sorts of fandoms, against all sorts of muses.
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TFA came out, and I decided to tiptoe into the SW universe by creating OC's. I played Elia most frequently, and although I'd always shipped her with Poe, it turned out she had a great thing going with an AU Kylo / Ben.
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I'm sad that line died out, actually.
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At the behest of an RP friend, I created Isa, but the planned line never actually panned out, so she's still mostly unvoicetested.
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Then I created Rey, who I played for a good long while, until that really unfortunate harassment incident, after which, I retired her until 2020.
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Rogue One came out, and I created Jyn, who I'd like to say is and has been my main.
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For whatever that's worth.
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In 2020, I also caved and created Cassian and Ben, who join my SW RP stable of Cassia and Essa.)
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I'd say Ben is probably my most popular at this point.
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My main period muses (laughable, since they hardly get any play at all) are Nico and Evie.
all the way
That's pretty much it.