Vincent Gogh
ish dream CW: death and shooting
Vincent Gogh
I blame you for this OwlsNotAsThySem
Vincent Gogh
Basically Wesker conforted Ten with wanting the forulma on how to travel faster than light
Vincent Gogh
and Ten of course wasn't going to give that -even at gun point
Vincent Gogh
and they just stared each other down and Doctor and its mute point to kill Ten but also Doctor wasn't giving it; Doctor asked if this was worth it, why, time travel isn't magic that just fixes things and such
Vincent Gogh
Wesker thought it was best to shoot The Doctor, I think because wesker felt inferior and Jack of course felt that and came running and well
Vincent Gogh
Ten was dead, dead because shot too many times and couldnt regenerate
Vincent Gogh
what was interesting Wesker seemed to regret the choice after the fact because Ten has been so helpful to Wesker and Jack asked what this was about and when time travel was mentioned
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Jack went and got the vortex manipulator
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ended up being in front of The Doctor before someone got shot dead
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and Jack got killed for 30 seconds
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and then I woke up
Vincent Gogh
your fault with our late night plurking :-P
Vincent Gogh
sounds legit though?
Mostly, though I could see Wes kidnapping and torturing someone close to the Doctor and/or using that person as leverage for the information on time travel/FTL travel.
Wonder who'd be the most likely candidate...?
Oh yes, Jack...
Vincent Gogh
there's others too :-P
Which... would turn into an adult version of The Ransom of Red Chief or that episode of MLP: Friendship is Magic where Rarity got kidnapped...
Vincent Gogh
I think some of it was also watching 3 hours of Who yesterday
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
and Ten being all dramatic with being pointed at
Yeah, and then Wes would be stalking whomever chats with Ten on the network, not just online but IRL as well...
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Vincent Gogh
but Jack was confused and enraged with why someone didnt regenerate
Vincent Gogh
and canonly if The Doctor dies too quickly someone cant
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nod and Id buy any face of The Doctor would die over give the secret to time travel
Vincent Gogh
that and Doctor's real name to the grave
Vincent Gogh
and now Jacks real name
I kind of want this to happen in some form or other. /nervous laugh/
Vincent Gogh
More importantly: And this is why Jack loves The Doctor. /warm smile.
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Vincent Gogh
and if we include Deer secerts
Vincent Gogh
It would also be; how to turn River Tam 'off'
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There's a canon word in Firefly to make her sleep
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that goes to the grave too
Very useful indeed.
Vincent Gogh
nod; and poor Jack would be tortured as Ten emotionally withdraws
Vincent Gogh
and give Jack a look that says; he doesn't want Jack tortured but cant give out either what is being requested
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you get that, right , Jack?
We're dealing with a rewiring of Utopia/The Sound of Drums only with a different blond Magnificent Bastard, aren't we?? /laughs/
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Except Jack has an ace up his sleeve: He'd be flirting with Wes relentlessly which would irritate Wes almost to the breaking point, unless he could swallow his annoyance somehow.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
which would annoy Wesker more than The Master
Esp. since Jack is Anything But Wes's type (ie. not a red-haired lady, going by some guess work based on small canon details)