Hello, thank you all for always suppoting EXILE TRIBE. Today, we would like to share some instructions to help you enjoy our shows more safely. We hope that by working on these measures, we can create a wonderful LIVE experience together. 您好,感謝您對EXILE TRIBE長久以來的支持。 今天要分享一些注意事項,以便讓您更加安全地享受表演。 我們希望透過這些措施,來與您共創美好的演唱會經驗。
Firstly, please make sure to take your temperature everyday for 2 weeks prior to the show, and make sure to monitor your health. Please purchase all tour merchandise online. 首先,在表演開始的前兩週,請每日測量體溫並注意健康狀況。 演唱會周邊產品請於線上購買。
On the day of the show, eat at home before leaving for the venue. And leave your home in time for the designated entry time. Before leaving, please take your temperature and ensure that you are feeling well. Put on a mask, and wash and sanitize your hands. 表演當日,請在前往會場前於家中用餐,並準時出發。 出門前請測量體溫並確認自己身體狀況良好。 請配戴口罩並清潔、消毒雙手。
If you are taking a train, keep your mask on and refrain from engaging in conversations. Please also avoid meeting in groups aroung the venue. When waiting in line, please follow social distancing and keep spaces between groups. Wash and sanitize you hands at a restroom of the venue. 搭乘大眾運輸工具時,請戴口罩並避免交談。 請勿在會場周遭群聚會面。 排隊時,請保持社交距離。 請於會場洗手間清潔、消毒雙手。
When waiting in line at the entrance, please make sure to stand with spaces between groups and follow the floor markers when applicable. It may take time to enter the venue, but please be sure to keep your spacing. 排隊入場時,請保持距離並遵循地板上的標示。 入場可能需要一些時間,但請務必保持社交距離。
There will be a thermo-graphic temperature check at the entrance. Please also remember to check COCOA (the COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application). By using an electronic ticket, you can enter the venue more smoothly, without any direct contact. 入口處將設置熱顯像儀,並請遵守實聯制。 使用電子票券可以讓您在沒有直接接觸的情況下順利入場。
We will also be handing out masks and face shields. Please be assured that all staff members will be required to wear masks, face shields and gloves. Inside the venue, seating arrangements will be made following the "one-seat apart" rule. 我們將發放口罩及面罩, 工作人員均會配戴口罩、面罩及手套。 座位安排採梅花座。
Please refrain from speaking out loud when engaging in conversation and use LINE, or other social media platforms instead. All food and drinks are prohibited inside the venue, except for hydration purposes. 請使用LINE等社群平台取代大聲交談。 場內除補充水份外,禁止飲食。
Cheering loud during the performance is also prohitbited. Instead, please enjoy and engage in the performance by using flags, or hand and body gestures. If you feel unwell, please consult the nearest staff member immediately. 請使用旗幟或手勢及身體語言來享受表演,勿大聲歡呼。 如有身體不適,請立即告知周遭工作人員。
After the show, we will have specific exit procedures in place. Please remain in your seat and wait until an announcement is made or a staff member gives you instructions. Please refrain from engaging in conversation as you exit the venue. 散場時,請留在原位靜候指示,離開時請勿交談。
Once you exit the venue, please refrain from stopping by nearby restaurants and go straight home. Please also refrain from crowding around the venue and engaging in any activities that may disturb the nearby residents. 離開會場後,勿至附近餐館逗留,應直接返家。 也請勿在會場周遭群聚活動,以免影響附近居民
On your way home, please refrain from engaging in conversation on the bus or train. And if you could remember the show before going to bed, I'm sure I will appear in your dreams. 返家途中在大眾運輸工具上請勿交談。 睡前記住今日的回憶吧, 我將出現在你的美夢中。 (這日翻英有點怪怪,差不多是這意思啦) (這句話由面桑來說讓我抖了一下)
There are various measures that we must take, but we believe that through every ones individual efforts, we will be able to create a fun and safe LIVE experience. Let's energize Japan with RISING SUN TO THE WORLD And in turn energize the world! 儘管有許多必要措施,但我們相信, 透過每個人的努力,就能創造一個充滿樂趣且安全無虞的演唱會。 讓我們一起透過RSTW這個企劃, 讓日本恢復元氣,進而讓世界恢復元氣!
To that end, we are ready and waiting for you. In order to make the best show possible, We ask for your cooperation. Thank you. 為了達成這個目標,我們做好萬全準備,等候您的蒞臨。 請務必配合,謝謝。
若不是吃飽太閒的人不建議點開留言Today, we would like to share some instructions
to help you enjoy our shows more safely.
We hope that by working on these measures,
we can create a wonderful LIVE experience together.
您好,感謝您對EXILE TRIBE長久以來的支持。
for 2 weeks prior to the show, and make sure to monitor your health.
Please purchase all tour merchandise online.
And leave your home in time for the designated entry time.
Before leaving, please take your temperature
and ensure that you are feeling well.
Put on a mask, and wash and sanitize your hands.
and refrain from engaging in conversations.
Please also avoid meeting in groups aroung the venue.
When waiting in line, please follow social distancing
and keep spaces between groups.
Wash and sanitize you hands at a restroom of the venue.
please make sure to stand with spaces between groups
and follow the floor markers when applicable.
It may take time to enter the venue,
but please be sure to keep your spacing.
Please also remember to check COCOA
(the COVID-19 Contact Confirming Application).
By using an electronic ticket,
you can enter the venue more smoothly,
without any direct contact.
Please be assured that all staff members
will be required to wear masks, face shields and gloves.
Inside the venue, seating arrangements will be made following the "one-seat apart" rule.
and use LINE, or other social media platforms instead.
All food and drinks are prohibited inside the venue,
except for hydration purposes.
Instead, please enjoy and engage in the performance
by using flags, or hand and body gestures.
If you feel unwell, please consult the nearest staff member immediately.
Please remain in your seat and wait until an announcement is made or
a staff member gives you instructions.
Please refrain from engaging in conversation as you exit the venue.
nearby restaurants and go straight home.
Please also refrain from crowding around the venue
and engaging in any activities that may disturb the nearby residents.
conversation on the bus or train.
And if you could remember the show before going to bed,
I'm sure I will appear in your dreams.
這句話由面桑來說讓我抖了一下)but we believe that through every ones individual efforts,
we will be able to create a fun and safe LIVE experience.
Let's energize Japan with RISING SUN TO THE WORLD
And in turn energize the world!
In order to make the best show possible,
We ask for your cooperation.
Thank you.
僕たちTRIBE memberが出てくるはずです。
為什麼不用We'll appear啦,