tea’s gone cold
[work] ok so don't want to talk too loudly yet but I may have a really, reaLLY cool job lined up
tea’s gone cold
this startup has been making noises about hiring me and I've been talking to the founders
tea’s gone cold
they want to make a music gig streaming platform that's actually fun to use and they're looking for a narrative designer/game designer to create gig-type experiences that are 'gamey' but not excessively so
tea’s gone cold
i've submitted a bunch of ideas to them, they know i'm not ready to leave my day job yet, but they're applying for a round of funding soon and........
tea’s gone cold
this is, it should be said, coming at the same time that my dayjob boss has been subjecting me to a round of ableist harrassment that the union is going to push to have him removed as a bully because of
ooh I hope you get it!