Queenie was a blonde and her age stood still, And she danced twice a day in vaudeville. Grey eyes. Lips like coals aglow. Her face was a tinted mask of snow.
先以Lippa's為主 Queenie跟Burrs在某些方面很相似 首先他們在同一首歌出場 然後Burrs 單方面的 有句獨唱的歌詞是a handsome devil with a life like her 以最親近的人為敘事者的概念(?)來看 這句話七成可信 同時Queenie從來沒有親口直接證實
And, yes, he played the girlie game But behind the scenes: He was mean and rough He was made of vile and violent stuff They liked him tough Get in his way And he would run you down
This wasn't fun for him He didn't want to be bad He didn't want to run from girl to girl There just no one who understood him No one who knew what he need He was bored. He was sore. He was dying for more
Can this be what I've waited for? Can this be what I've heard? Something stirring is being said But without a single word This is what I was born to do So there's nothing to fear
The Wild Party Character Breakdown - Ray of Light Th...
不 呃 不 老實說我沒有研究這個
是的 這是原著的文字
Queenie was a blonde and her age stood still,
And she danced twice a day in vaudeville.
Grey eyes.
Lips like coals aglow.
Her face was a tinted mask of snow.
And she did.
She would skid.
But sooner or later they bored her:
Sixteen a year was her order.
Queenie跟Burrs在某些方面很相似 首先他們在同一首歌出場 然後Burrs 單方面的 有句獨唱的歌詞是a handsome devil with a life like her
以最親近的人為敘事者的概念(?)來看 這句話七成可信 同時Queenie從來沒有親口直接證實
She never got tired
Of the men she desired
She never inquired of the men
Two is good
Three is better
Now you're knocking on wood
Well, I adore men
So bring me more men
And, yes, he played the girlie game
But behind the scenes:
He was mean and rough
He was made of vile and violent stuff
They liked him tough
Get in his way
And he would run you down
He didn't want to be bad
He didn't want to run from girl to girl
There just no one who understood him
No one who knew what he need
He was bored. He was sore.
He was dying for more
反之亦然 在這一切介紹過後劇情到了中間才說這個傢伙是怎麼吸引到我女神的(等等你的用詞
一樣在Maybe I Like it This Way
"When I first met Burrs, he was grand. You understand?
But I was scared and awfully lonely
Hungry. And hopeful. How could I know?"
scared, awfully lonely, hungry, and hopeful
Queenie出場的時候 他的化妝鏡是由男人們組成的,相比接著Burrs身邊的女孩僅是為他喝采的意象更加強烈
作為主角他是最神秘的 相比其他角色知道他們在追求什麼 Queenie當然也有嚮往和需求但從來沒有明說
又不像Bway明確的說了他夢想上Bway(嗯 off對於Queenie的塑造相當地不確定
而這個不確定並不是角色塑造不確定 而是角色,Queenie這個角色是不確定的(繞
"maybe" 他知道Burrs的缺點 但是他不想或是無法離開 所以他用不確定來說服自己接受這段關係
接著Tell Me Something 老實說Black先生有說跟沒說一樣0w0ˋ
Out of the blue
You came and saved me
When I was running blind
I was a fool
I was afraid
And when I met you
I had other plans in mind
Can this be what I've heard?
Something stirring is being said
But without a single word
This is what I was born to do
So there's nothing to fear
神奇的是Mr. B無論是哪一版都從來沒有給過我came and saved her的感覺 或者也許真的拯救了 但他不是Queenie要找的人
一大部分源於資訊不足 Mr. B說了他從哪來想往哪去 友善 熱情(?) 但同時這些都很表面
首先他因為Queenie一句話砸了Eddie 再來他跟Burrs在吵的兩位都沒有真的在意Queenie 最後 Poor Child
一方面Burrs是個暴跳如雷的傢伙基本上Queenie是被逼的 這也代表Queenie不是全然順從的 但 他依然不是"選擇"不離開而是"離不開"
無論是不是被迫留下 Queenie為此找了理由
或是說改變 what ever
也就是說可以大致知道他想離開現況,然而這是被動的 硬要說的話Queenie的行動 包含提出派對這個關鍵的決定都算是被動的做出反坑
對… 即便他是被動反應 但每一次的反應都是反抗
想開始跟繼續的是Queenie 想結束的是Burrs 而一開始的動機就對後者不利是事實 最後他用了激烈的方式結束他不同意的遊戲
我知道不能這樣硬套但是可以套0w0ˋ 一樣是遊戲裡的位置
還有 後悔