[local] rolling my eyes at BU in here
So Massachusetts' vaccine rollout has been a shitshow
The website crashes. Older people get shut out and younger people jump the line. The racial differences. The lack of accessible sites, especially to the poorer communities
The governor's doing some rearranging of priority cases again and he's doing what I think is a good move by pulling university students' access in favor of the older populations
I think places like Harvard and BU and Northeastern greased some palms to get into that first batch of "students". Your guys are 19-21 and shouldn't be on campus anyway, BU, but whatever
and BU is throwing an email tantrum at me
"Obviously, we’re disappointed with this news, as we’re sure those of you hoping to get inoculated on campus are as well. We had put our vaccination program in place with the aim of immunizing as many BU community members as possible. With the state’s decision, however, it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to reach that goal anytime soon."
okay but
the older professors, the front end workers, etc, all the high risk groups, should be covered ANYWAY in the new buckets
This only affects students
And most students on CAMPUS skew younger because, again, they're living on campus
which they shouldn't be but you guys were the ones who wanted your doors open
"State Halts Vaccines for Universities"
yeah okay cry me a river I TOLD you guys it wasn't right for me to get a vaccine when I worked from home and could wait and there were 80 year olds in my grandpa's complex who hadn't got theirs yet
big ol metaphor
yeah working at a vaccine site i keep thinking about how many other solutions there are that aren't vaccines but we aren't really supporting any of them :/
mmn hmmmn
throw some more money into mobile vax sites and drive to the older and more insular communities instead of making me get into my car and drive down to you idiots
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and i know people who are like, immunocompromised(sp i'm sorry) but are young and aren't going to get it because of that.........but still have to work in person
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and it's kind of a like, either figure out a way to let people work from home who can or maybe don't use the vaccine on people who aren't leaving their homes anyway???
We're on Phase 2 right now so supposedly the guys with compromised systems can get it now as well as the older people. I took my mom down to get her first shot at one of the mass vax sites where they do 5k a day, and it was skewed older but there were definitely people my age in line
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like it sounds callous but seeing people who are nearly 100 getting the vaccine feels like a waste :/
I leave my home for food and to shoot my mom up with drugs
Don't be offering me drugs
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but i don't know how you'd go about like, fairly determining anything like that
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it's a nightmare to think through
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i don't know what would be better in that regard
I feel like anyone who wants to get one should be able to get one and hopefully with the new JnJ one released we'll have more batches
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but one thing that definitely would be is not forcing people to work in person who don't have to be (which is a corporations thing mostly) and vaccinating the people who 100% have to work in person (which wasn't initially including me, a person working at a vaccine site serving 3000 people a day)
Yeeeep. You wanna focus on the people who can't work from home guys??a little? idk
Most of the students prooobably don't need to be there in person but this email screamed entitlement
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i was told people working in grocery stores were supposed to immediately get it and i have only seen people working in medical sectors, older people, and people working at schools
"how dare the state halt our distribution to our community" bruh you're BU. BOSTON is your community, you don't have to do the insular thing
yeah same
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which yeah, seems to kind of favor people with money even if those are all 100% logical choices to go first
Oh it's always money
100%. Money and resources and knowing who you know
ruthgaroux ♡
yeah bc the cdc recommends stuff like essential workers going first but it's up to the states to draw up their own timeline
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why can't we just give k-12 schools a year off
ruthgaroux ♡
and a lot of states LIKE MA have decided not to prioritize those ppl
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"no we still need to do standardized testing" no fuck off we really don't
ruthgaroux ♡
let's open restaurants back to 100% capacity while food service workers are dead last for vaccine priority, sure why not
My mom is 64 with multiple risk factors, but here attitude is 'my former co workers who are k-12 teachers still should get it before me. I can just keep staying home." Teachers are not a priority group in Alabama.
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i'm not 100% on what VA is doing re: people working in stores and deliveries and stuff like that but my personal experience has been not seeing anyone in those areas
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but i'm guessing schools are in person ore than not, yeah?
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I read something that like 40% of highschoolers are chronically absent and I'm like yeah no shit. maybe standardized school for everyone regardless of ability WOULD leave something close to 50% of kids behind
Actually the strictest letter of the rules here says immunocompromised people mostly aren't covered (except in cases of organ transplant), but i feel like that's 100% bullshit and encourage people who are immunocompromised to say completely honestly that they have a medical condition.
because what the fuck
people can have compromised immune systems without organ transplants being involved.
and people with compromised immune systems should get vaccinated before the general population
if they are able to get the vaccine
this is why you don't leave it up to the states and you create a nation-wide policy for this shit
Also, yikes, the university really does come off as entitled. We get it. We all want vaccines. It's disappointing to expect them and be denied. But there need to be priority groups until supply can keep up with demand.
we absolutely should have just given all students a year off, and kept teachers paid and working remotely to supervise things that are more like enrichment exercises and to give the kids access to adults outside their home