potato boyo
lets go ahead and put a nope in that

potato boyo
wonder sometimes if lobotomies live up to the hype

potato boyo
maybe I just need one of those machines that help you sleep... the ECTPAP


potato boyo
nope is the word

Gretch VonFetch
i have a very nice frying pan that I am willing to knock you over the head with..

potato boyo
That sounds promising

potato boyo
I would like to dream about percussive cookware

Gretch VonFetch
i have several heavy pots if the frying pan does not work.

potato boyo
I am going to sleep. I just don't like what is happening when I get there

potato boyo
I'm waking up quite unhappy with the overall experience.

Sometimes Bacon
i relate to this so much. i don't enjoy sleeping (or dreaming) or the fact that my body relies on it so much to function the older i get

potato boyo
well like

potato boyo
a dream from this morning involved me getting shot in the hand (to protect myself) and then my mother dying again, and me helping someone else go through her things to sell them.

Sometimes Bacon
oof that's rough. im sorry, brains are dumb.

potato boyo
finding things that I had played with as a child and had sentimental attachments to, and someone was preparing to sell them like it was a thrift shop

potato boyo
oh and an ex girlfriend showed up and asked why I hadn't responded when she had tried to get back in touch with me. so I had to explain about taking care of my mom and her dying. so sorry I didn't have time to hang out

potato boyo
plus somewhere in there my former co-worker got me involved in pirating some movie and that may have been why someone tried to kill me. but then people were trying to make me kill someone else with poison.

potato boyo
all of this was all happening at the same time

potato boyo
and all very real and tangible

potato boyo
being shot didn't bother me as much as the other stuff

potato boyo
so yeah

potato boyo
biggest cast iron skillet you got

Gretch VonFetch
jesus. I got you dude. Come here. I got a nice heavy cast iron

potato boyo
the bullet was in the heel of my hand, like I'd made a fist and it went into the bottom, I could still see it and (because dream logic) it looked like the butt of an unfired casing

My dream this morning involved a neighbors septic tank that spewed poo. And and two ex-boyfriends. There were no bullets or murder attempts.


potato boyo
: did the septic tank symbolically represent the ex boyfriends?

I think it was just more shit for me to clean up.

potato boyo
ain't that just the way

You had a very vivid active dream life last night. I hate those. I wake up feeling so tired and can't believe I have to face another day because I've already been through one. It might be time to take the valerian at bedtime again, it tends to ramp those things down a notch.


I was reminded in my dream that one of the exes I used to call "Buttons", like Mindy and Buttons from Animaniacs. I had kinda forgotten.

potato boyo
people often talk about memory like it is one thing but it is two things. storage and recall. and usually it's the recall that trips us up, but the storage is what catches us off guard.

potato boyo
I was talking to my ex on the phone (awake not in a dream) and she remarked that when we talk she sometimes feels like we're back in New York, when in fact she is in Texas and I am in Seattle.

potato boyo
(the ex in the dream was a different ex)

I do find it fascinating what my brain cooks up for me in REM

I have had that similar experience talking with exes and having that sensation of a different time/place.

potato boyo
I left New York almost 25 years ago

Me too. Left in 1998.

My folks are still there so I get the occasional infusion of actual locational remembrance

Your dream actually makes some sense from a higher level interpretation of what's going on. You trying to protect yourself from the shock of your mother's death, how that represents the loss of childhood, the lack of understanding from people you feel/felt close to, the pirating issue maybe stems from the scrolling for un-watermarked pictures. I can see it.

Or maybe that's the septic tank of my brain spewing on you.

Natalie 🌈
Ugh Spud, that sounds rough... I am sorry