evil scams such as BitCoin all along.
Bitcoin consumes 'more electricity than Argentina'
unrelated news of many other things I try to avoid:
Britons are excited to see family and friends, spont...
several of them are not applicable anyway. But many more are things which I already didn't do - because they're things I don't like or approve of or are things which were always actively harmful for me specifically (ie part of that "welcome to my whole life" aspect of CoViD-19).
whether, mathematically, one can calculate the total energy cost of Bitcoin generation until it’s finished. That is, is the energy requirement finite? There is a fixed number of Bitcoins, and finding them gets harder — but does that mean it’s capped?
"Critics say electric-car firm Tesla's decision to invest heavily in Bitcoin undermines its environmental image." doesn't Elon Musk frequently undermine his own claims?
he's basically an opportunistic parasite - a bit like BoJo trying to claim credit for scientists producing vaccines despite him.
I just kind of found it odd to make it a statement that, "this might not be good for Tesla" and I'm like, "really when was Tesla a company that inteligent people actually trusted the company" or specifically Elon Musk.
interesting. I think of Tesla as very innovative and Musk as an innovator generally, with great drive and imagination. Sure, he’s a jerk too, but us engineers aren’t generally known as great public figures.
The bitcoin network will have to be maintained indefinitely, even after the 21 millionth coin has been mined, if people are to still use/trade them, but the mining is the energy-intensive part.