[RL] [mute]
Depression is kicking my ass today.
Idk if it's bad period or what it is but I just want to lay here and cry.
I haven't been paid the last two weeks. Not super unusual to not be paid for two weeks but still kinda just pisses me off.
I don't do this for free. It is a favor and its below market rate.
I just hurt and I'm angry and I don't do the ... hey fucker pay me or I'm not coming back very well.
My mom's coming to take family pictures today to send my aunt and I just do not feel it today.
I started cleaning my house in prep for her to get here and just gave up.
It helped for a little while she was here but IDK
I feel really alone and isolated and I miss hugs
I also feel like I'm not great at this RP thing and I should play someone else but I also don't want to put the effort in so I'll just feel like garbage for not doing it
I dont feel like this all the time I'm just so mentally exhausted and I want H/c but it probably would be miserable
Also ... I sometimes dogsit which means going over there 3 times a day or so to let them run outside and make sure they are fed twice a day.
set my alarm
went over there at 7 am
apparently I'm not
so ... whatever