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x2: Feelings Friday!! Ask me what my character(s) think/feel about yours!! Also Shippy Questions!
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I'm off to bed but will get to these tomorrow.
2, 8, 26.
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4, 7, 29 for
Rabbit Crimes
13, 21, 23
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2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
This is actually tough, since I play Ochako as being a switch sort of person, but she also really, really likes being held by friends/family/her partner, so I'm going to hard lean on her being the little spoon most of the time but switches here and there.
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Probably paps him in the face like wear your gloves.
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8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
Honestly, I can't see them having nicknames for one another other than the playful banter of either Ochako's hero name or calling her a hero in general...and Ochako doing the same but with terms like "villain" or "criminal" or something, but with an affectionate tone
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She also definitely uses his given name vs. his surname in certain instances as well. Tomura when she is being domestic or cute and wants his attention, and Shigaraki when they're fighting, she's upset with him, etc.
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26. What would be their theme song?
I still stand by this song in particular but there's a few I like:
Madeon - All My Friends (Official Audio)
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mannequin tax : 4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Holy shit there are tons. Cooking and sparring are probably her genuine favorites, though Ochako just likes being with Bakugou is general. She thoroughly enjoys his company and his presence and even just lazing on the couch together or napping is nice.
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But I really love the idea of him showing her how to cook more dishes or be a better cook in general, or them sparring together to get tougher or just stay fit. Since we know they respect each other and don't hold back in a real fight, they can push each other to go farther or at least still be on their a-game
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7. Whatโ€™s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
You're....not gonna like this, but Ochako might actually start avoid Bakugou a teensy bit. If only because she gets absolutely fucking STUPID when she gets a crush (will smith post to Izuku).
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hahahaha i think it's cute... he will get pissed
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She actually might be caught staring at him a lot more, too, and generally just being a bit more flustered in his presence (especially if/when he comes back from a workout or after a shower)
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Ochako is absolutely miserable when it comes to romance so she just sort of flops around like a fish.
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and he fixes everything by yelling about it. it's gonna be a beautiful disaster when we get there
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mannequin tax : LORD RIGHT THOUGH. it'll be so awkward because she'll be like deflecting the truth and such which will make him MORE MAD so just pffffft
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I can't (I can, mmmm slow burnnn) wait for this day. it's gonna be amazing
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It's gonna be a disaster and I'm going to ascend
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29. One thing about this OTP that breaks your heart.
Hhhhh god okay, other than the current thread we're doing....
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Just how supportive and understanding they are of one another. ;A; Ochako really gets Bakugou sometimes (not all the time, but most of the time), and because she respects him so much, she really tries to do right by him and accommodate him...sometimes at the expense of herself, because that's just the sort of person she is.
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She'll usually put him first, or above herself, and is quick to defend him if people are talking shit about him. Because she can see the side of him no one else does and she wants others to see him that way, too. Because he's her best friend and a really, really good person. She feels he deserves the spotlight because he really does do his fucking best in
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everything he does and should be seen for it. Seen, but not coddled.
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She also just genuinely cares about him so, so much and man I just. I fucking die. She would take a bullet for him, and not just because it's her hero's duty, but because he has gone through so much shit and she's plainly just sick of him becoming a target for trouble.
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Like, she knows their lives are constantly put in danger, but that doesn't stop her from worrying about him constantly. The "he'll be okay" mentality fistfights the "please be okay" one so much in her head in regards to his general wellbeing i just.
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I also love how closer they're getting, slowly, as friends and just learning to lean on and trust one another. It's easier for Ochako because she has that under her belt, but for Bakugou?? It's going to be a fucking learning curve and I LIVE FOR IT.
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Rabbit Crimes : 13. Who reaches for the otherโ€™s hand first?
Fucking fuck, this one is so difficult because they're both absolute pufferfish when it comes to physical contact, but I guess it depends on where they are in their relationship??
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If it was at the start, I want to say Ochako is more open to initiating that first touch, since she's very touchy-feely and Izuku is also her friend so she just...sees him that way first. Like, she trusts him indefinitely, and I actually headcanon that she enjoys holding hands a lot so...yeah.
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Further into their relationship, I think it's a mix, probably. (aha) As Izuku gains more confidence and learns to be more affectionate and open about his affection, it'd balance out I think, with Ochako being the one who does it most. She's cuddly, damnit, let her cuddle you.
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she is round and soft like marshmallow
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21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
OH GOD ANOTHER REALLY HARD ONE. ...Honestly though, I think Ochako would be the one to initiate in their relationship at first. One, because she can dance, and two because again she is just a...very touchy-feely kind of person who doesn't understand the concept of Personal Space.
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Though when I think 'dance' with Ochako, it's usually something energetic, bouncy, and fun. She likes to move!! To jump, and swing her arms and booty around!! Anything that is clearly meant to be a romantic/slow song I think she'd bluescreen and yeet herself out of the building.
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Again though, further into their relationship, I...think maybe Izuku would be the one to initiate? At least a slow dance, anyway. It really depends on the situation or circumstance. But Ochako is still shy, but she really does love Izuku a whole hecking lot, just tries to be mindful of his boundaries and his hard limits as well. So probably just assumes he
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wouldn't want to and doesn't, then gets pleasantly surprised when he asks her. u_u also that's cute as shit and i want this like burning now, fuck.
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23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
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Reads it in a book somewhere, gets crappy advice from Kaminari or something like "dude, trust me" and it just makes Ochako burst a gut laughing or something idk.
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(In the end it works, because she has a good sense of humor and would probably just adore Izuku for trying and being funny and cute.)
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This would probably be when they're older, maybe third year or even fledgling pros right out of high school, but I simply cannot see Ochako using cheesy pickup lines - she's way too straightforward a person and blunt as a fucking...butterknife.
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I actually think other than that, maybe when they're already dating, and Izuku reads it on the internet or something and they just laugh about how stupid they are together and it devolves into cute flirting and laughing then cuddling and now i need this, too
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sobs at that
aaawwwww ALL of these are adorable thanks, Roxy
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honestly yeah, ALL of them, but I did specifically mean the last one of my picks u_u
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this is why Ochako is legit my fandom bicycle, she can so easily be paired with like....anyone, because she is so loving and understanding
Rabbit Crimes
Rabbit Crimes
adorable babies...