*make one pass through the bloated tag cloud, deleting zero-use tags, obvious misspellings and all the duplicate country tags that have snuck in for god knows what reason
*determine 'United States' is a fucking useless tag when literally the entire point of the site is 'translated foreign opinion pieces about the US,' ditto 'U.S.' and 'US'
*quietly despair when the headline is as wonderfully vague as "Washington" or "Turmoil" or "The CIA" (all headlines I have encountered in this process so far)
*sometimes those key words will get you only the article you're after; sometimes several pages of results. How much do you care about whittling down other tags while you're here?
*Answer: Depends on the size of the search results. I've combed through two-page turnouts (20 articles per page) but pretty much raised my hands in despair at others.
(I'm still not wholly convinced tagging by Full Org Name is at all the helpful way to go about this, but... well, I won the 'we need a Capitol riot tag' fight. I can put this battle back.)
*also, sigh when you've cleared out a misspelling of a current government official's name and someone promptly recreates the misspelled tag (Antony Blinken, for the record. Not Anthony.)
Headline: "We're Still Picking up Dick Cheney's Pieces" /apostrophes can throw off the search box /also I am occasionally 12 practically required search string: still picking up dick
/apostrophes can throw off the search box
/also I am occasionally 12
practically required search string:
still picking up dick