duck bastard
For people who use fitbits... I'm having some trouble setting up my grandmother's
duck bastard
in that it seems like the screen isn't reacting at all
duck bastard
we've gotten to the step in the set up process where the instructions on the app go "now just swipe up!"
duck bastard
but this thing doesn't. seem to react at all.
duck bastard
the screen works, but it doesn't move from that single white line when we try to interact with it
duck bastard
trying to google the issue, and it's just like "restart it" and such and i'm like.... i'm not even sure if i'm touching the button or not or if it's doing anything
duck bastard
charge 3
duck bastard
also may i just say that something that is All Screen with no button is a nightmare. like at least i know when i turn off or restart my phone, but this thing is just proving to be a pain in the ass
duck bastard
thank you! I'm trying to google out the issue, but this thing is. really not workin' with me.
duck bastard
alas, we only have a laptop that we're trying to use, but thanks. I'll try again tomorrow
Ah, damn. I have a Charge 4, which has a button on the side, so whatever I do probably doesn't transfer DX