Good afternoon.
Michelangelo. Melting is proceeding apace, and the forecast for tonight predicts temperatures above freezing all night.

On the minus side, my car wouldn’t start when I tried to go out, so I’m waiting on AAA. They are overloaded, of course, so it’s anyone’s guess as to arrival time. Happy Saturday!!!
Swamp Daddy
You or your neighbors have jumper cables? (unsure)
Swamp Daddy : Yes, I always carry a set. This battery is kind of old, though. Since I pay for AAA, I’d just as soon let them do it. Not like I have anywhere I really need to be.
Swamp Daddy
johndiii : I replaced my battery last year because after the first cold snap I could tell it was getting old and struggling with the cold. Being in an area that cold is common that’s one of the things you watch for if you don’t want to get stuck with a bead battery when you need to be somewhere.
Swamp Daddy
I realize this isn’t normally an issue for those in the “warmer” states.
I read "melting space" and had to refocus. :-) Happy Saturday. Sorry your battery died. Glad you have AAA. :-)
Happy Saturday sweetie (cozy) (K)
Hope your battery is fixed soon!