Streets of Edo
[meme] how do get me into a canon + canon types I probably won't get into

Streets of Edo
i can have problems with a lot of casual gore and murder, it's not an absolute no but i prefer to be warned about it in advance

Streets of Edo
i will probably not get into a canon that sounds really dark and nihilistic, no matter how well-done it might be otherwise (hence why i still haven't watched Paranoia Agent)

Streets of Edo
games aren't really my thing

Streets of Edo
accessibility is important... though i don't put that on someone who recs a canon to me. more like, if an anime series is available on Crunchyroll (or, way less commonly these days, on DVDs in my local animanga shop), chances are higher i will give it a try if it seems relevant to my interests.

Streets of Edo
(i haven't really found a current pirate site for anime that seems good, they're so virus-prone and usually i'm not THAT intrigued by a new series to risk lots of viruses...)

Streets of Edo
and with manga if they're out in English or French in official translation that also gives them better chances. scanlations are chancy, they can stop getting updates, and i'm bad at paying attention when i read online, esp for things with a slower narrative

Streets of Edo
(i really love Ikoku Nikki for instance, but I keep feeling that i would get more out of the series if i could read it in print... it's like i can give more lowkey stuff a better chance that way)