Charlotte身為德國尤太人,在二戰前夕被迫流亡到法國南部。在躲避納粹期間,她創作了Leben? oder Theater?(Life? or Theatre?)系列,總共畫了超過700幅畫。這個系列帶有自傳色彩,Charlotte在畫上寫下旁白,還有適合搭配的音樂,整部作品其實有點像圖像小說(graphic novel)。
如同New Yorker的文章裡寫的: And yet, apart from a handful of depictions of the Third Reich, Salomon’s work is not about the Holocaust at all but, rather, about herself, her family, love, creativity, death, Nietzsche, Goethe, Richard Tauber, Michelangelo, and Beethoven.
It chronicles the genesis of an artist from a family of dark secrets—mental illness, nervous breakdowns, molestation, suicides, drug overdoses, and Freudian love triangles: a harbinger to our age of grand confessionals.
[法] Est-ce ainsi qu'on devient artiste? En s'accoutumant à la folie des autres? (P. 24) [英] Is this how one becomes an artist? By growing accustomed to the madness of others?
[法] Il lui fallait pour quelques temps disparaître de la surface humaine, Et pour cela consentir à tous les sacrifices, Afin de recréer des profondeurs de son être son propre univers. (P. 201) [英] She must disappear for a time from the human surface, And sacrifice everything for this, To recreate herself from the depths of her world.
這本書寫的是畫家Charlotte Salomon的人生,並穿插作者發現Charlotte的故事、追尋她的足跡的歷程。
And yet, apart from a handful of depictions of the Third Reich, Salomon’s work is not about the Holocaust at all but, rather, about herself, her family, love, creativity, death, Nietzsche, Goethe, Richard Tauber, Michelangelo, and Beethoven.
Est-ce ainsi qu'on devient artiste?
En s'accoutumant à la folie des autres? (P. 24)
Is this how one becomes an artist?
By growing accustomed to the madness of others?
Et c'est bien là le privilège des artistes: vivre dans la confusion. (P. 105)
And that is the privilege of artists: to live in confusion.
Il lui fallait pour quelques temps disparaître de la surface humaine,
Et pour cela consentir à tous les sacrifices,
Afin de recréer des profondeurs de son être son propre univers. (P. 201)
She must disappear for a time from the human surface,
And sacrifice everything for this,
To recreate herself from the depths of her world.