Princess Emily
"let's just debate if you deserve to have rights.... i'm not saying you DON'T, i'm just saying there are CONCERNS,"
Princess Emily
I'm sorry I'm vaguing I'm just.... I'm really mad
Princess Emily
people ARE working RIGHT NOW to deny people like me their rights,
Princess Emily
the only proper response is "oh shit that's wrong and terrible" not "WELL, you KNOW, they DO have some good points"
Princess Emily
no matter how you phrase it with "I'm not saying I AGREE with them, BUT..."
Princess Emily
Did you know that actually it feels terrible to have people debate whether or not you deserve certain rights? :>
they don't have any good points
anyone trying to treat this like it's just a friendly debate needs to look at themselves and ask why they think the two sides are anything like equivalent
i just think that if you really think long and hard about it you'd recognize that you are not human and you don't deserve equal rights
Rogal Dorn
Who the fuck is cedingbeven that much
i don't see why you can't listen to both sides
the children are frightened by non-peoples demanding to be treated as people
is this someone i need to block
Princess Emily
to be a little more clear, the argument in particular is about the whole "trans women in women's sports" thing, and it just turned into
Princess Emily
"men ARE better than women in sports, you HAVE to ACKNOWLEDGE this BIOLOGICAL FACT"
Princess Emily
etc etc
Princess Emily
I'm not gonna drudge up the entire convo
Princess Emily
but I was getting very worked up trying to debate it and then I was like "wait why the fuck am I even debating this?? this is fucked up"
it's very easy to debate a rabbit about what to have for lunch when you're a coyote, isn't it?
honestly, could the rabbit please stop being so dramatic and emotional and engage politely with your comparisons of plant protein vs. animal protein?
there's no need to be so difficult about having a nice, detached and rational debate - see how calm the coyote is being?