[mental health] [suggestions wanted!] Okay throwing this out to the crowd
Got some moderate depression that's set in. It's definitely impeding my ability to Do Anything but I have to go clean the gym and set up for classes
So I need to bribe my brain with a treat after X-(
Suggestions? What helps you when you're not seriously low but low enough to be frustrated with yourself?
Junk food. Which I realize is not ideal but there we are
i like to go down fanfic/fan blog rabbit holes so i usually have a few bookmarked and i can read one if i get my shit done
namely those damn froty-ccino things wendy's done that is like a cheap frappe. "If I go out and do the thing I get ice cream coffee on the way home."
...frosty not froty, dammit
junk food here, too. do the thing, get cookies
frostyccinos are SO GOOD
THEY SO FUCKING ARE. I love those damn things, LOL
anyway yeah those and reese's pb eggs (in season) are my standard self-bribes. I drive past the opportunity to get them and it makes me like going out and doing shit more. I'm a dog
change my CER dammit
Promise myself a bit of tea and yeah a bit of something like cheese or so
yeah... junk food. McDonalds or a shake somewhere
used to be Starbucks, but I can make tastier coffee at home now
yeah. ice cream or something
the feℓsider.
When I am low but frustrated rather than too low to cope, bribes definitely work. There's also the classic tactic of "we're gonna stand up. that's cool right? we can stand. okay, we're standing, now we're gonna go put on our shoes. cool, we got shoes on. now, we achieve coat. holla, we have coat. since we're all ready we may as well GO." etc.
the feℓsider.
I meant food bribes specifically, my bad, but sometimes I also reward myself with vegetation, in the sense that I go "look, okay, we do in fact have to go do a thing, but after that, we can live in a blanket fortress for xxx hours and watch crappy reality tv cooking shows while eating nothing but popcorn and chocolate chips"
the feℓsider.
removing bra + putting on comfy clothes as the instantaneous "you did it, you're home now!" reward used to be very good, but I given I don't leave the house anymore, bras are a myth