You're Quinner
I spend an unnecessary amount of time thinking about the fall damage in Spelunker
You're Quinner
not Spelunky, Spelunker
You're Quinner this game
You're Quinner
if the Spelunker there steps forwards without catching the lift
You're Quinner
and falls those, like, 16 pixels
You're Quinner
they will die
You're Quinner
that's a fatal drop
the fall damage in spelunker occupies a permanent part of my brain because
You're Quinner
it's almost as bad as dark souls 2
it's featured prominently in the opening scroll of game center cx
oh i'm scary
well, let's think about this
oh i'm scary
there's a whole lift system for that drop
oh i'm scary
that suggests it's actually a pretty long drop
oh i'm scary
which means
oh i'm scary
for scale purposes
oh i'm scary
the Spelunker is a giant
oh i'm scary
which would make relatively short falls even MORE dangerous
Princess Emily
I mean like, if you think about it,
Princess Emily
that fall is the same height if not a little more than the Spelunker(?) is
Princess Emily
most real people do not regularly take falls of ~6 feet onto rock
Princess Emily
especially while also weighed down with mining gear
You're Quinner
I think if I fell six feet I would not die
Princess Emily
I would,
You're Quinner
I'd hurt my knees
the thing about the original plurk, though, in Spelunker in particular
You do not take fall damage from hitting the ground from too great a height
after you fall a certain number of pixels, you die, in the air
it is, in fact, the fall that kills you and not the sudden stop at the end
Where Is Harkan
If you hurt your knees in the depths
Where Is Harkan
you might as WELL be dead
You're Quinner
maybe it's an emotional death
You're Quinner
having fallen off a cliff, the spelunker laments that they've failed as a spelunker
You're Quinner
the game knows they will never survive the depths without self confidence
You're Quinner
for a given value of exists