So I learned today about inner monologues...I guess I don't have one and having one sounds like an interesting experience.
I've heard that some people don't. Mine is going all the time.
Is it something that can be developed?
Non-stop in my head.
PlurkDevi I don't know actually, it would be interesting to look into.
PlurkDevi 🔹nkaru🔹 Okay so question. If you guys are hungry or tired, does your inner monologue have some kind of commentary?
I think it's a good thing to have as long as your inner voice isn't putting you down (which is a problem that some people have).
Yes, mine says "Get something to eat" or "I am NOT tired and I will NOT go to bed."
But mostly I have a running commentary on events. I spend a lot of time turning over phrases and ideas.
It's a great thing for a writer to have.
PlurkDevi Interesting. I definitely have moments where I'll mull something over, even for an extended period of time, but I guess I don't consider it as having a voice, if that makes sense? The whole topic came up actually because of differences in how my friend and I read.
It's really just talking to oneself, but not aloud and with no conscious compulsion to do so.
It's just automatic.
🌈Chandni (They)
I keep being fascinated that there are people without inner monologues. I wonder how it would be to have.. silence LOL
🌈Chandni (They) It's kinda nice...I guess? Having a regular voice in your head sounds kinda tiring (especially if it's being annoying). But it explains what the fuss about meditation is I think?
In my case it may be a holdover from being on my own a bunch and not wanting to be a loony who talks out loud to themselves. :-)
Chicken noises
I've just recently learned that some people don't have them. It's an odd concept to me.
yes lay down and my mind won't shut off. I don't sleep much, but I don't need a lot of sleep, never have.
I don't notice it all the time. It's not always going, or I am not paying attention to it. Sometimes its too much and I just want to shut it off and other times I don't notice it because my mind is busy or occupied.
Oooooh. That explains a lot with my bf then, who sometimes has trouble going to sleep. I usually don't stay awake unless I'm really excited or nervous about something, but I can see how having a voice running in your head would prevent sleep.
I too am fascinated that some don't have that dialog. So weird.
i only have an inner monologue when my anxiety reaches high levels, i don't have it when i'm at "normal"
and then when i do have it its just repetitive obsessive anxiety thoughts
Natalie 🌈
“Oh you don’t like my opinions? You should hear the ones I keep to myself”
Mine only speaks Spanish, which is a problem because I don’t
Clara 🦄
My brain is always going on about something. o.O