My mother just saw a car with a HUGE sign on its roof that says "covid is a hoax". I legit get SO mad when I hear about this crap. I know that no nutcase can invalidate my personal experiences, but still, it offends me on a deep level. At the same time, I'm genuinely confused. What do these people think is making people sick and killing them?
potato boyo
nothing. there are no sick people, apparently
potato boyo
: you know my father's friend told him he thought covid is a hoax and when my father told him I was just in the hospital with it, his friend said nothing back.
potato boyo
there was that lady in england who got banned from hospital after sneaking in and filming empty hallways claiming it proved there were no covid patients.
potato boyo
and that sounds nutty but a few months ago the president of Brazil publicly called for his supporters to invade hospitals and do this
someone crazier than trump
I wonder if it is a reaction to the fear, like instead of being afraid, if you just believe it's a hoax then you don't have to be afraid anymore. (I mean, I think it creates more things to be afraid and pushes people to more extremes.) There's a control aspect too, hand in hand with fear
: that's a pretty good theory.
I'm honestly afraid if I ever come across someone like this in person. I have a feeling it would be super hard for me to not confront them and god knows what would happen. People can be violent over the most random, absurd shit. I'd probably get my ass kicked.
I was sick for almost 2 months. Even now, stuff is lingering a tiny bit but I'm saying I'm fully recovered because it's so minor it feels silly to remark on it.
I sometimes wonder if I'll ever get back to 100% and I know there are tons of people who have it WORSE.
fuck those that invalidate their experiences
all the lives that have been lost too. I need to stop thinking about it because it's just making me go on a rage spiral
potato boyo
how about this tho
potato boyo
we love you and are so glad you have recovered
potato boyo
potato boyo
: you're amazing, thank you <3
first of all,
and, yes, it's hard dealing with that kind of people
they make me so, SO mad
and i have too many RL friends who just fall for this kind of bullshit, and it hurts
not the "virus isn't real" bullshit thankfully (so far), but: masks don't work, it only kills the old and sick let them die, the vaccine has nanotech in it, pcr tests are fake
when i'm in a good mood i'll discuss, but too often it ends with me getting mad and going no filter
which, uh, apparently telling people you think they're stupid and heartless isn't good for friendships?
but on the other hand, i don't want stupid heartless people to be my friends
hearing stuff like this makes me thankful I have pretty much no friends IRL
I just cut a swath through FB posting: 40% of the infected are asymptomatic & contagious. Each of the asymptomatic taking no precautions is estimated to infect at least 2 people. Statistically, in 10 weeks, that leads to 5236 infections, 80 deaths.
: but it doesn't exist!
Sometimes I just gotta put the truth to the lie, deaf ears and tiny brains aside.