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(World pol) I literally yelled “fuck Israel” out loud . Jfc https://images.plurk.com/45x5eHXAvUkCV1PTvx6FmP.png
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Also I need a Myanmar for dummies
miles you ass
anyone who looks at this and thinks it's good is not a good person!!!!!!
miles you ass
(same all i know about the myanmar is it's a military coup and that one lady was doing aerobics and didn't notice as tanks were rolling in. god i wish that were me)
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miles you ass : I can’t figure out who the bad guys are or if they’re all bad I just know there’s a genocide too and I’m just so confused but I want to understand
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I am very.... pro Palestine.
I have been listening all week to various news stories about how political and economic divides are going to affect the pandemic.
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Give them some land for their country and then FUCK OFF
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Israel pisses me off because they are basically perpetuating the same treatment they received and said would never happen again
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I try not to talk about it because like I know it’s controversial (why )
The real problem with Palestine is that they've been poisoned by both sides. Jordan and Syria are awful to them, too.
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Spookitty : yeah it’s scary
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Yeah. I just
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But we don’t pree er tend Jordan or Syria are cool
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I mean Jordan is usually forgotten by the us aside from they are bursting with refugees
I have often joked that the real solution to mideast peace is two nukes. Jerusalem and Mecca. If nobody can be there will it be worth fighting over?
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I just don’t understand how people can look at what Israeli soldiers do to Palestinians and think hey those are good guys!!!
But honestly, a lot of the problems are as much European colonial borders as thousands of years of rivalry
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Like I know it’s not simple
miles you ass
I am 100% with you on pro Palestine bud
miles you ass
and yeah the Balfour treaty is a large part of the issue since the British just took some fuckin crayons
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Like I’m not anti Israel tho I am anti their current government and military
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If that makes sense
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I think there will never be peace if they don’t seperate into two different states
But they also need to give the Palestinians access to the skills and education to be able to govern themselves.
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Spookitty That is horrifically unfunny.
That Cozy Cat
what the fuck
miles you ass
yikes wow i did not even see that joke
miles you ass
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I just... pretended it didn’t happen tbh