festive bambi❄️
i am alive!!!
festive bambi❄️
sorry everyone, i kind of got sucked into projects and fell off the planet for a while
Welcome back!
festive bambi❄️
And I`m QV i'm still gonna set up that psl tomorrow, i haven't forgotten. so so so sorry for the delay.
festive bambi❄️
Winterri : Thank you!
And I`m QV
Welcome back!! It's okay I figured you probably had more important things to worry about, sometimes life happens
I’m glad to see you!
festive bambi❄️
Yeah, the last couple of months have been insane. But I'm now part of a project that, if it succeeds, will basically be a part-time job for me and i'll make enough to sustain myself.
festive bambi❄️
o/ hello!
And I`m QV
And I`m QV
Best of luck with that, it sounds really exciting!
festive bambi❄️
I'm tentatively optimistic, but I have a pretty great feeling for it.
festive bambi❄️
also lmao y'all remember how i plurked about dogecoin a while back
festive bambi❄️
it's totally unrelated, but this shit is crazy
festive bambi❄️
i still have my coins but also kind of kicking myself for not selling when it hit $.08, but the good news is that it hasn't crashed and it's stayed pretty steady for a week
festive bambi❄️
2021 is a chaotic neutral year
GGingle Bells
GGingle Bells
"gee I haven't heard from Zan in a hot minute"
festive bambi❄️
i've been dreamin and schemin
GGingle Bells
Up to mischief, no doubt. But glad to hear from you!
festive bambi❄️
festive bambi❄️
And I've been completely overhauling my garden which is... a lot of digging.
festive bambi❄️
I'm gonna have a poison section.
festive bambi❄️
And I`m QV
Oh ho ho
festive bambi❄️
GGingle Bells
I love that for you
festive bambi❄️
o/ hello friends