[mental health] Good news is that I didn't have a full on panic attack last night. Debatable news is the 16 hours of sleep. Bad news is that I'm having an intense startle/worry reaction to every kind of notif, even like. Discord. (warning: discussion of controlling parents inside)

(my mother does not even know Discord exists but yeah)

Flash Bastard

I'm going to try 'stress eat all the sweet/sugary food in the house' to see if it dulls the reaction. If not I'm probably going to just watch CritRole all afternoon/evening

(maybe do a tag bomb right before bed and promptly turn my computer off and put phone on do not disturb)

sailor bii
oh jesus

it's definitely illogical, but it's the way my brain has decided to respond to yesterday

Flash Bastard
That panic response programming runs deep.

Flash Bastard

Flash Bastard
you, and us: Her whims are Not Normal and shouldn't be bowed to!

oh man. i know that feeling. hope the binge watching helps.

broken 🗲 fuse
wait what happened?

my mom called last night wanting the log in information for my credit card so she could "pay the rental car" that happened because she pushed and pushed until I gave in and went home for Christmas. I keep things like that locked to a clique 'cause I know some people are triggered

sailor bii
basically his mom is Awful and has No Boundaries and that's (one of) the reasons he lives in an entirely different state now

I hope the warning is enough for this plurk. I can't lock it after plurking

broken 🗲 fuse
I'm sure it is.

broken 🗲 fuse
I'd be willing to be on that clique if you need someoneon there who had to deal with this kind of shit from their family too

Yeah... if the notifs are bothering you, then definitely go into do not disturb until you can handle it better

broken 🗲 fuse
I can give advice from the side of "i went through this already and got through the other side"

broken 🗲 fuse
just ask quinn, she was there for a lot of it

If you're sure it won't trigger you, yeah, I can add you!

broken 🗲 fuse
It won't, I promise

I try very hard not to bother people so I worry a lot

broken 🗲 fuse

I don't know if adding you allows you to see previous plurks but you're added now

broken 🗲 fuse
It doesn't, but I can see future ones

i would also not mind being in it.


Blue Emus
disconnecting from notifiers giving things is totally okay

Blue Emus
and we know that if you disappear from plurk, etc for a bit that it means you're needing a little space

plurk is the only thing that I'm not having trouble with, actually. because my email and everything else gives audio pings and that's what is bothering me most

broken 🗲 fuse
can you mute them?

Blue Emus
yeah, most email, etc will give you options to turn off sound notifications

I've currently got my phone muted. I'm not sure how to mute email notifs. let me take a look

Blue Emus
this on your desktop? what do you use for your emails?

there's a popup and a beep. I think I disabled it?

Flash Bastard
Plug in a pair of headphones and stream what you want to watch on the TV, if that's an option and you can't turn notif sounds off.

I've temporarily muted discord too

broken 🗲 fuse
you can mute specific programs if you right click the sound icon and hit "volume mixer"

Is that for phone? because I don't see that feature on my mac when I click

broken 🗲 fuse
oh, it's on pc, sorry, i didn't know you were on a mac

broken 🗲 fuse
i can check if apple has somethijng?

Blue Emus
OH You're on mac

broken 🗲 fuse
Volume Mixer Equivalent for Mac?

Blue Emus
well, Macs do also have a Notifications section in the System Preferences

Blue Emus
there is also the Do Not Disturb option, which will basically silence everything for a set period of time (in the same place)

Blue Emus
so if you don't want the notify to stay off on an ongoing basis, you could just turn that on for a bit

that's helpful! thanks

Blue Emus
np! hopefully that helps give you a break

broken 🗲 fuse
oh, sweet