"The femme fatale is figured as the bearer of all forms of affect and social connection that the detective must disavow in order to maintain his fantasies of objectivity and autonomy." 光這點我就不懂為什麼要用femme fatale去解Promising Young Woman。
"It was then I decided to murder him cold-bloodedly, without giving him a chance. What the hell was the matter with me, running in there to fight him? I thought. What the hell did I want to fight him for? I wanted to kill the son of a bitch and keep on living myself.
I wanted to kill him so he’d know I was killing him and in such a way that he’d know he didn’t have a chance. I wanted him to feel so scared and powerless and unprotected as I felt every goddamned morning I woke up.
I wanted him to know how it felt to die without a chance; how it felt to look death in the face and know it was coming and know there wasn’t anything he could do but sit there and take it like I had to take it from Kelly and Hank and Mac and the cracker bitch because nobody was going to help him or stop it or do anything about it at all." Himes真的超尖銳。
It Came from the Archives! Unearthed treasures from the George A. Romero Archival Collection Join Horror Studies Collection Coordinator Ben Rubin and ULS Visiting Researcher Adam Hart as they discuss their favorite and most significant discoveries from processing the George A. Romero Archival Collection.
1715 West Indies. The pirates of New Providence Island threaten maritime trade in the region. The laws of every civilized nation declare them hostis humani generis. Enemies of all mankind. In response, the pirates adhere to a doctrine of their own…war against the world. 101
"[T]he 1710s and especially the 1720s see the first real articulations, in England and France, of a markedly self-consciousness and ambivalence in the treatment of crime and its relationship to state power and commerce.
A willingness to treat crime as a social and political problem means that these examples are able to ask searching questions about the interpenetration of organized crime (as a metaphor for trade) and the private realm of individual initiative and the public realm of the state and state power;
and hence how fundamental shifts in the economic organization of society in turn raised troubling questions about the impersonality and indeed legitimacy of the criminal justice system." 1710到1720和黑帆的時間有對上欸。
“When you’re a trans woman you are made to walk this very fine line, where if you act feminine you are accused of being a parody and if you act masculine, it is seen as a sign of your true male identity.
And if you act sweet and demure, you’re accused of reinforcing patriarchal ideas of female passivity, but if you stand up for your own rights and make your voice heard, then you are dismissed as wielding male privilege and entitlement.
We trans women are made to teeter on this tightrope, not because we are transsexuals, but because we are women.This is the same double bind that forces teenage girls to negotiate their way between virgin and whore,
that forces female politicians and business women to be aggressive without being seen as a bitch, and to be feminine enough not to emasculate their alpha male colleagues, without being so girly as to undermine their own authority.”
"Resurrection is a Mexican disease. ..I can't keep a character like Belascoarán alive in this kind of a reality, because reality kills him. Reality kills him, and I bring him back to life, and the readers accept this absurd, crazy game."
"With characteristic prescience─but in a forgotten part of his vision─Orwell saw this quite clearly. To control the proles─the 85 percent of the population outside the Party and the Inner Party─the state in Nineteen Eighty-Four did not really need thought police or telescreens.
The proles could be segregated within ghettoes, 'the whole world-within-a-world of thieves, bandits, prostitutes, drug peddlars and racketeers of every description', subjected like animals by a few simple rules.
They had no political significance at all and let to themselves they could continue 'working, breeding and dying'. Their thoughts did not matter. Their belief in Party ideology was unimportant." ─Visions of Social Control 唉。
Complex TV: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling Screen Media: Analysing Film and Television Hannibal: A Disturbing Feast for the Senses
Reason and Cause: Social Science and the Social World Historicizing CSI and its Effect(s): The Real and the Representational in American Scientific Detective Fiction and Print News Media, 1902–1935
"To tell the truth, I do not like it very much myself. In my less stilted moments I too write detective stories, and all this immortality makes just a little too much competition.
Even Einstein couldn't get very far if three hundred treatises of the higher physics were published every year, and several thousand others in some form or other were hanging around in excellent condition, and being read too."
"The hero’s tie may be a little off the mode and the good gray inspector may arrive in a dogcart instead of a streamlined sedan with siren screaming, but what he does when he gets there is the same old futzing around with timetables and bits of charred paper and who trampled the jolly old flowering arbutus under the library window." XDDDD
"The detective in the case is an insouciant gent named Antony Gillingham, a nice lad with a cheery eye, a cozy little flat in London, and that airy manner. He is not making any money on the assignment, but is always available when the local gendarmerie loses its notebook.
The English police seem to endure him with their customary stoicism; but I shudder to think of what the boys down at the Homicide Bureau in my city would do to him." 越來越能理解為什麼美國會生出冷硬派。
後面那句更酸:This is what is vulgarly known as having God sit in your lap; a murderer who needs that much help from Providence must be in the wrong business.
"It is not funny that a man should be killed, but it is sometimes funny that he should be killed for so little, and that his death should be the coin of what we call civilization." 一個人被殺不該是件引人發笑的事,但有時候一個人因為芝麻大的小事被殺的確好笑,我們應該把他的死解讀成我們稱之為文明的東西。
So, I set to work, determined to rebuild what had been taken away. I was 13 years old. but I was determined... until a man arrived at my door claiming to hold debts belonging to my father. Debts accumulated as my father drank. Debts he claimed that now belonged to me. Debts I could not possibly have hoped to repay.
Debts over which this man would have seen me imprisoned-- imprisoned in a place where the debts would have been discharged only through hard labor. Hard labor with no wages, working at─wait for it─the production of textiles.
2/2 1427379
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2/11 36743
2/12 36882
2/13 37009 2/14 37118
光這點我就不懂為什麼要用femme fatale去解Promising Young Woman。
Join Horror Studies Collection Coordinator Ben Rubin and ULS Visiting Researcher Adam Hart as they discuss their favorite and most significant discoveries from processing the George A. Romero Archival Collection.
海盜、契約勞工(indentured servitude)和奴隸。
The pirates of New Providence Island threaten maritime trade in the region.
The laws of every civilized nation declare them hostis humani generis. Enemies of all mankind.
In response, the pirates adhere to a doctrine of their own…war against the world.
Hobbes的the war of all against all。
英國不會用人挺可惜的,要是把James McGraw用在情報單位應該會很可怕。(同人文!)
Decolonizing Epistemologies: A Conversation with Latinx Philosophers
2/16 1542887
2/17 1548979
2/18 1555773
2/20 1564483
2/21 1578785
2/22 1584931
2/23 1591585
2/26 1614724
2/15 37221
2/16 37328
2/17 37440
2/18 37556
2/20 37675
2/21 37851
2/22 37941
2/23 38031
2/26 38321
─Visions of Social Control
Making Crime Television: Producing Entertaining Representations of Crime for Television Broadcast
Hmmmmmm. The Fall算noir是因為那個結局嗎?
Screen Media: Analysing Film and Television
Hannibal: A Disturbing Feast for the Senses
The Empath and the Psychopath: Ethics, Imagination, and Intercorporeality in Bryan Fuller's Hannibal
Making a Meal of the Law: Hannibal, Taste and the Limits of Legality
Surreal Encounters: Science, Surrealism and the Re-Circulation of a Crime-Scene Photograph
嗯?Ripper Street第一集?
Social banditry出現的時間點挺有趣的。
Imagining Crime : Textual Outlaws and Criminal Conversations
Historicizing CSI and its Effect(s): The Real and the Representational in American Scientific Detective Fiction and Print News Media, 1902–1935
當初是為了Karl Urban看的XD
咦,是Karl Urban演的嗎(突然好像比較有動力看了)
Dredd 應該是特警隊,政府直接授權那種,這麼說也有點像Robocop(查了才知道Robocop背景是在底特律,好哦)
剛未查先猜原本的漫畫應該是1970-1980的產物,果然...... (底特律T__T)
Tony Soprano:廢棄物處理顧問 (waste management consultant)。
Debts accumulated as my father drank.
Debts he claimed that now belonged to me.
Debts I could not possibly have hoped to repay.
Hard labor with no wages, working at─wait for it─the production of textiles.
March 10th-13th 2021, fully online
會想到這點是因為看到有不同的人用這系統解讀黑帆角色,結果差很多。對我來說Flint和Silver絕對都是Slytherin Primaries......然後Silver剛出場的時候應該是個Burned。
Taibo II的Belascoarán真的太慘。