Ainsley ☄
HOPEFULLY (if I do not jinx myself) I will do tags this week!
Ainsley ☄
I did a little cherry picking, but if I get those done, I can do more
Ainsley ☄
we've done some claning & organizing this weekend
⧗ widow.
excuse the replurk. scrolling on mobile
Ainsley ☄
no worries, I've replurked shit by accident
Ainsley ☄
I have like four bags full of clothes to donate
Ainsley ☄
and som stuffed animals
⧗ widow.
Ainsley ☄
I had to give the idea of some of my shirts bc of the boobs
Ainsley ☄
BUT I got a package TODAY (Fedex brought me FIVE new tshirts. Two blues, two pinks, and 1 gray)
Ainsley ☄
so I have shirts