The photos you linked to are ones that would be considered "Safe". It looks like our moderation bot flagged this photo by mistake. We are working hard to improve the accuracy of the bot so that we only find and change photos that should be changed and feedback like this is very helpful.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Corporations and politicians invoke all sorts of moral panic - from intellectual property infringement to protecting our children from porn and the... satanic music that is rock - to screw us over.
Automated content moderation could work. It definitely doesn't work right now. The problem is that it's only as good as the information it's fed. Or as the programmers say, Garbage In, Garbage Out.
Flickr Exec: Right, we need to make the bot even more strict.
The photos you linked to are ones that would be considered "Safe". It looks like our moderation bot flagged this photo by mistake. We are working hard to improve the accuracy of the bot so that we only find and change photos that should be changed and feedback like this is very helpful.