Dragons Dragons
[unknown seas] Sara on Thursday!
Dragons Dragons
she's used to bad food, she came from military school
Dragons Dragons
Dragons Dragons
the best generic regain in the game tbh
Dragons Dragons
ahahaha the marionette description updated...
Dragons Dragons
don't be embarrassed, birkin's art project was great
I like how it just physically manifested after the game
things he got to take home: the horrific g sculpture, also the mastermind
Dragons Dragons
i know it was beautiful
Dragons Dragons
this might as well happen
Dragons Dragons
[sees the models in other people's regains]
...that's what i could have used to pad out sara's
Dragons Dragons
instead you get... well you'll see
Dragons Dragons
(i didn't put in her daytracer either, tbh i forgot all about it because she makes a point of never using the thing)
oh she got the piano music!
Dragons Dragons
I'll keep a look out to give that back, then.
reika probably wouldn't claim it, I just wanted to put something,g related to that song in
somehow she's got it memorized??